Chapter 34 : My choice of profession

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𝘿𝙖𝙞𝙨𝙮 𝙥𝙤𝙫:

I was scared to have this appointment to be honest.I was glad that I had Lewis as my support buddy.

"Hey, a coffee espresso would be nice " I said to the lady at the counter .Well employee of Starbucks.

"Ok mam , that will be 5 dollars, do you want cream with it?" She asked.

"Yeah thanks-" I said to the employee .Putting my hand into my purse.

Putting my hand into my purse

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This is the purse:)

"I'll pay for this beatiful lady " A deep voice said to me.Causing me to look to the the side.

"Oh hi, no need to do that I have the money just need to get it out of my bag" I said .Putting both of my hands into my bag clearly frustrated on why I wasn't finding my walet-purse.

"No, its my gesture to you" the man said pulling out his wallet  from his back pocket. The employee looked at me for reassurance on whether to let him pay or not.

"Well what the heck sure" I said slouching down my hands to my sides.Pursing my lips in a frustration kind of way.

The man looked at me excitement laced all over his face. "Yess" the man said fisting his hands that were on his mouth  bringing it down as if he accomplished something.

I smiled collecting my coffee from off the counter while the man payed.

I decided to wait on him to thank him personally and privateky.After he finished he turned around , putting out his hands signalling me to walk before him.

He pulled out my chair urging me to sit down.But I had to go out so I declined causing him to nod his head in an understanding way.

"I want to say thanks for paying , but you didn't have to do that for me" I said clearly stating how confused I was about his gesture.

"Your welcome" he stopped, rocking forward on his tippy toes looking at me  , he was still standing .Showing how akward he was.

"Well you seem new to this area and I have never saw you around .So I decided to treat you you know. America is a welcoming place to visitors." He said smiling sweetly to me.

"Oh well that was nice of you .But I don't buy coffee like that I normally make it .But I decided to be open to new things you know" I said to him telling him why I was there.

"Oh I didn't get your name-" he said putting out his hands for me to shake.I nodded my hand no."No handshakes we can elbow bump tho" I told him in the nicest way possible.

"Oh I understand , I'm sorry " he said clearly showing how sorry he was.

"Its ok , the names Daisy" I said to him while sipping my coffee."David-" he said interjecting after I told him my name."Wow my dad's name is David"I said chucking to myself.

"May I have your number" he asked rubbing the back of his head , showing how anxious he was.

"Sure, heres my buisness card .I have to leave right now tho, It was a pleasure meeting you David" I said to him walking to the door.

"The pleasures mine Daisy" he yelled from inside since I was already closing the door.

                       𝙊𝙪𝙩𝙛𝙞𝙩 𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙘𝙠

                       𝙊𝙪𝙩𝙛𝙞𝙩 𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙘𝙠

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    These are the heels

    These are the heels

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The suit-shirt

The suit-shirt

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The skirt

       The nails

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       The nails

𝙊𝙪𝙧 𝙃𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙨𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙤𝙡 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 Where stories live. Discover now