Chapter 9 :-The downfall

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Daisy POV:-

It was time for camp.I didn't want to go.But I'll try my best and make friends.Jonathon was going to be there as a councilor. So it wouldn't be that bad.Plus we had school break ,so I was going.Stacy is going too,although she has her friends.

"We'll be spending a month at the campsite, so better walk with a good amount of clothes",said Jonathon. I was going with him,in his car .Derek is a councilor too.But I don't know if he'll be staying whole camp.

Just on more week of school and the camp.

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I was seated waiting on my mother to finish cooking so I could go to school with her.My parents went on a trip somewhere to do work.My father is a detective and my mum a cop.You'd think I'd fall into that category. WRONG.

I missed my parents so much.They've been so busy nowadays I barely see them.My brother Jonathon likes when they're gone cause he gets to behave unruly.

Dad and Jonathan argue all the time.My dad believes that he should focus on school and not on girls with hot bodies.Jonathon would anxiously disobey dad,just being a disrespectful teen.

Swear.Jonathon is the sweetest guy he's kind,funny ,smart and likable when you get to know him.He answers back his teachers at school, plays dumb girls and even fight boys.

No one really likes him like that .Probably his snotty girlfriend Aaliyah. Mom gets Jonathon on a whole other level .She understands how he feels .That's why Jonathon favors mom so much .

"Daisy,did you pack your brothers lunch ,to give him when you see him".Mom asked me .As we were about to enter the car."Yeah,I got that also with his basketball for practice".

I sat in the front seat next to mom.I was in the passengers side of the drivers seat."Daisy, I'm sorry we left you here,we would've warned you about mafias right,we could not bring you along because of the gang fights and violence " mum told me.

Before continuing , "Ethopa is a safe place for now,but they're may be a start of a new mafia, that " she paused before taking a deep breath"may be here".

I was confused to say the least.Yeah I've heard about some mafia that was here in Ethopa,but they didn't last long.It was actually sad to say the least.

"Oh ,I didn't know it was that serious", I said while looking intensely at her to see if she is telling any lies. "Yes, it isn't, but be careful ,"mom replied.

"Mom-..." I said to which I stopped .Mom looked over at me , "yes dais" ."Are you alright ?", I asked .Mom knew exactly what I meant ."Yes I'm OK " she replied.

There was a long akward silence , then she continued. "So how's school huh"."Schools been hectic actually there's this guy that hates me I don't know why". I replied.

 I didn't even know ,I was that hurt at that to be honest .My moms voice interrupted my thoughts."Maybe hes just quiet or awkward around girls".


I didn't carry on with that convo.Soon I reached school.Mom came out,and walked me to my class.Guess who I saw none other than Lewis.To speak of the devil.Good thing I didn't gave mom his name.

" Look ,that's a nice boy over there go and talk to him" my mom said like it was nothing.Like hello there enemy. "No", I said sternly but politely.She's still my mom you know.

"Okay, but you can't lie he's cute"and with that she winked ."I'll go check up on your brother."

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