Chapter 36:Talk

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𝙉𝙞𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙡𝙖𝙨 𝙥𝙤𝙫:

She was really serious about this huh.

That's one thing I loved about Daisy her determination but signing the contract was her being stupid like real stupid.

But I don't want to be stuck on this topic cause I know how disrespectful I can get.

"Yeah,so I really want this in my life Nicholas. All the time I have been home with Lily " she paused probably thinking of something before continuing "Not that , that was a problem but I really want this career. I can't let this opportunity slip from inside of my control ." she said looking at me.

Lily was breastfeeding , and I was merely fixed on that .I guess she notices cause she cleared her throat.


I simply pretended like nothing just happened raising my eyes to face her hazel like ones.

"Alot of lawyers don't get to be a Lawyer because of how much years you have to get to be qualified .I have this opportunity , I'm not even finished my degree in Law and the handed me his case .That shows that someone believes in me" she continued from the statement she made earlier.

That statement really got me thinking I think it was all a set up for some reason .

Lily has never testified ever in court .She's only read up on it so I will never understand how she got that case.

But let her enjoy herself for now though.I already know she isn't going to get far in that case.

And to think recently someone had stepped up for the case she currently has.They applied for it , had many experience in court for years.

But some how Daisy got the case .

"I understand just be careful,I would never forgive myself if something happened to you" I said to Daisy truthfully , taking a glance at her breast to see Lily asleep.

My perfect family.

"Let me carry her to her crib " I said to Daisy outreaching my hands to collect Lily she was heavy for a 7 month year old baby.

After placing her in the crib and putting on the fan to keep the room cool .

I went back down to Daisy.Who was still seated in the position she was in.

I sat opposite to her , trying not to make things akward.

I want to talk about where I stand in her life but I'm scared. The doctor said that it's normal for her to be neglectful towards me after giving birth.

I really don't want her to feel like I want her for her body.Cause I really don't .It took me a whole year to realize I loved her.

Well not loved but love.

She's been getting her period like normal .So I don't know whats going on.

"How are you and Keisha, I heard she was pregnant with your child?" Daisy asked turning herself square in her seat.

This was random but atleast that prove that she still feel some type of way about me.

Or maybe shes just nosey.

"I broke up with her months ago .She cheated and tried to pin the child on me" I said honestly to her.

"Oh, Well I guess that is a valid reason-" I blurted out "Do you like me sexually or somthing or you already have someone" I asked frustration laced all over my voice.

"What-" She asked."Look if you don't feel the same just say it don't waste my time I'll still take care of Lily "I said to her , showing that I was serious about what I was saying to her.

Me and Keisha were just physical never wanted more from her but that.She was merely a replacement for Daisy.

" I mean ..." She looked around , looking onto the ground obviously showing that she wasn't sure of what she was saying at all.

I immediately got up from the table .Making sure to bang my hands on the table.

As I walked out of the kitchen I heard Daisy run behind me grabbing my hands from the back.

"Look wait" she said to me stopping me in my tracks causing me to turn around to face her waiting for her to say something.

"I like you I do ,but I don't wanna have sex right now," she said looking into my eyes.

Almost raising her head to meet my eyes because of how short she was.

𝙊𝙪𝙧 𝙃𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙨𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙤𝙡 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 Where stories live. Discover now