Chapter 32 :Who?

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𝙉𝙞𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙡𝙖𝙨 𝙥𝙤𝙫 :

Daisy was excited jumping up and down about me agreeing on her taking up her new job .

"But later on tho, our daughter still needs you to take care of her" I said to her who was looking up at me from a hug.

"Oh-k" she said jumping over to walk to the other side of the counter.

Making supplements for the baby.

"So, how have you been of recent-" I stopped rephrasing my sentence."Well after the whole job thingy" I asked being cautious of what I was saying.

"I'm ok,I'm thinking of joining it soon you know, plus my mom want to see the baby not to mention Jonathon is coming over" she said sweetly towards me.

"Oh-k " I said in an understanding tone.I knew what she meant.

"I'm going to bed, I'm tired" she said before I heard the baby cry.Causing her to sigh in frustration.

"I got her " I told her before following her to the bedroom.

When I reached inside I picked up my daughter Lily.Cradaling her in my arms.

She looked up at me smiling showing her gummy teeth.Which was adorable , she was adorable and so cute.

Just to think she was a week old .Really crazy right."Who's daddy girl huh" I said cooing at my baby girl.

Daisy was just looking over at me admiring Lily.Lily was so small omg.

7 𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙝𝙨 𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙧

"Daisy where are you" I yelled from the bottom of the stairs in the house.

"I'm upstairs Nicholas" She yelled back."Lily got a fever she's sick" .

"Okay so can't you take care of Lily " I yelled back."Yeah about that-" she trailed off."I have a meeting with the court " she said walking down the stairs softening her voice as she saw me in her eyesight.

"Can't you reschedule. ?" I questioned raising my left brow to show I was suspicious with what was going on

"Who's case are you taking on either way" I said as she put Lily in my hands.

"Amos's case why?" She said while putting on her pumps.

"Amos.I need a last name-" I said to her holding back what I wanted to say.Amos?

"Man fuck you Nicholas your always questioning me it's not that serious" She said screaming at me .

This was a normal thing to me .She always did this since we were teens.

"I will do that later, but anything relating to the mother of my child is my fucking buisness ok" I said sternly to her.

She rolled her eyes,crossing her arms under her breast causing it to perk up a little bit .

"Your so cocky , thinking with your dick all the time-" she flinged her hair to the side putting her hands out in front of her moving it to the side then back "Hellllo , not everything is about sex" she said .Making sure to stress 'sex'.

"Well can you blame me " I smirked cockily before continuing "Don't you dare change the fucking subject on me what is his last name" I asked sternly.

"Okay so yeah , Its Amos Sincere what's the fucking problem its alot of money for his case and this could be a big thing in my career as a lawyer" She screamed at me.

I stood there dumbfounded. Amos Sincere .

"What the fuck Daisy you took this case" I paused putting my free habd to my forehead.

This is the type of shit that makes you see politician dead on the streets.

"Yeah, I want this Nicholas" she said looking at me.Walking slowly towards me pointing her index finger at me.

I quickly  put Lily down in her feeding chair.

"So how is Lily going to eat considering your breast don't pump milk out and she only breastfeeds from your breasts" I asked walking towards her.

"She's gonna stop ok, its time she eat food she passed six months"Daisy said to me shrugging at the thought of what she just said.

" What the fuck? You know my uncle runs a mafia in Italy - my father's brother." I stressed on the " fathers brother' part ."You know that he don't play to eliminate anyone that crosses his path in the crimnal world"

"So what Amos Is innocent I know he is "She said to me ." Who gives a fuck if he's innocent my uncle does bad things ok.I didn't dodge the gangster lifestyle for you to jump in it.Your my fucking childs mother .I wouldn't want anything to happen to you ."I stopped looking at her."I don't want you to put our daughter's life in danger. I will not allow it" I said sternly to her.

"So your saying that your ok with Allesandro , fucking and trafficking young girls" Daisy said to me , obviously showing the disgust with the words she said.

"I never said that , I just don't want to get involved" I said trying to show my case to her.

𝙊𝙪𝙧 𝙃𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙨𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙤𝙡 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 Where stories live. Discover now