Chapter 12- A trip where

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David pov ( jonathon and daisy father)

Today is a quite day at my work.Just wrapping  up cases .But one cased that was closed years ago stood out to me .Giovani Lewis.He was found dead,but we never saw his body.

It was strange that he died in a house fire.Well the house was ashes.But we still didn't see any sort of human ashes.All we know is that he has a son somewhere in Italy,he's a drug lord and that he's married.

The marriage remains a secret .We dont know who this Giovani or his wife is.It still remains a mystery how they were in Ethopa for how long and no one knew.

My door then flew open .Do people not knock on doors anymore."Detective Osolin is here he's looking for you ,well  calling you" said Jack.Jack is my partner. We've been partners for 4 years.

Osolin was going to get it from me one of these days.Yall just wait and see.He's always calling me to do something .Can't he see that I'm a busy.Like i get it he's an old man,he probably just need someone to do favors for him.But why not just hire an assistant.

It really sucks in this department. "Tell him I'm coming in five", i said to which Jack nodded.

As i opened his door while rolling my eyes to show i was displeased ." Sir Osolin you called",I said very sternly .This guy was so unbottered to say the least. He was in his chair with his back, backing me."Yes I called you, we have a new case " he said ,to which I responded right away ."We!or you mean me ", " You ,glad to see you screw on your head," he responded back.

This guy really carries feelings huh.Yeah i may have bullied his daughter's Grace in highschool, how was I to know that i would be working  under him when i get older.

It was just a joke anyways, I was just playing with her . Plus everyone was saying that behind her back, I only said it to her face.

𝙁𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙝 𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠
Grace was walking to class when a group of guys cornered her.We all know the ring leader 𝘿𝙖𝙫𝙞𝙙.

"So is the rumors true", David yelled as she walked by .Grace ignored him .David walked up in front of Grace ." I'm speaking hello", David said mockingly. "Hold up, it got to be  true huh, he'd be the only one to want her " one of Davids friend said backing him up.

"Would you leave me alone" Grace said making sure to show her annoyance. "Just tell us the truth and then your free to leave" David said as if he made an ultimatum. Grace was so over it as this point.

"It's true guys she's dating Alessandro's brother Giovani", David said .He said it loud enough for his friends to hear , Grace  heard him too." What do you see in mafia men " David said sounding top tier jeolous.

"Yeah,we're guys and even us know that David is the one for you"another one of Davids friends said.

" Well I'm not interested in you" Grace said brushing him off .Grace was one of the hottest girls in school. David had liked her since he first saw her at the mall with Giovani.

Curly black hair , slender waist pretty face .Word was out on the street that her father didn't make time for her cause he was busy being a detective than a real father .

Grace pushed pass him walking to her class.She wasn't a bully .She just didn't care about girls and boys 𝙞𝙣 𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙨𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙤𝙡.

𝙀𝙣𝙙 𝙤𝙛 𝙛𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠

"David, I want you to drop the Giovani case , I'll take care of that" said Osolin.

"Sir i am perfectly cab-" he cut me off."Giovani is dead ok , please leave the case be .I don't want this resurfacing on the internet " he said looking at me sternly before continuing "I'll send Jake to remove all the files relating to Giovani " he paused and let out a sigh " including the one that came in today" he finished.

"Sir we can't drop this case now , we may have proof that he is alive .Come on if he was really dead we know his  brother would personally seek  revenge on  his brother" said David
trying to plead with Osolin.

"Who said i was dropping his case, " he smirked "I'm taking that case over " .

"Osolin  we know you doing it for Grace-" he was cut off by Osolin"Get out of my office ,you're suspended till next week".

 I continued I was really pissed off  " yeah " I scoffed "Now you trying to be the father you never was" .I chuckled then slammed his door.

I could hear his papers falling from his desk but I didn't gave a damn.


Osolin is graces father.Grace is Nicholas mother.So Osolin is Nicholas grand dad. 

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