Chapter 2:-At school

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Derek walked to my side of the door and opened it , holding his hand out for me to hold . As I stepped out .Stacy got out from the car ,wasting no time to slap her brother across his shoulders.

"Derek why are you pesting my friend don't you see she has no interest in you" she rolled her eyes at Derek.As I stood up . "Stacy , if I was pesting her I don't think she would of wanted to come and sit in the front seat with me" Derek said it like it was valid point he made.

Stacy sucked her teeth and rolled get eyes .As she walked over to me and grabbed me by arms. I looked back at Derek who had his hands in his pants pockets watching her and me leave .As he shook his head as if he was confused.

"Daisy, did you ask your mom if you could go to the summer camp"

"Oh no Stacy , I didn't ask I'm sorry ." I said trying to change the topic.

"But do you wanna go?, Daisy you know you can tell me the truth you know that right"

"Uhh, umm not really I don't wanna go .But I don't know . Jonathan is a counselor there , so I might go".

Jonathan is my brother.Hes the same age as  Derek and they are best friends.Stacy is one of my close friends but we're not best friends cause she has her own .

"Oh yeah Derek is also a counselor there, so why don't you wanna go". She said as she stopped walking, looking at me for an answer.

"Well I dont have friends, for one and I'll have to listen to Jonathan.And you know he's strict ".

"Oh ohk, but you'll make friends, you just need to be more open on what you like , and who you are".Stacy said almost proud of what she said.

"I guess, I just don't know though"

Stacy hummed at my response as she picked up her pace and marched to her class.I was left there walking slowly along the corridor.I had basketball practice this afternoon,so I was staying late It wouldn't be a problem considering that Jonathan was there to watch me .I was somewhat glad he was there to stay considering he's the captain of the team .

My first period class was fun , I had my friend davier . Davier was a cool person to be around.He was funny and down to earth .He made everyone laughed and he knew how to set the mood.

It was lunch time and I had to be partnered with someone in order to get the project done.Everyone had picked their partner.Leaving me and Nicholas to partner .Davier picked his crush Alisa , he only did it to spend more time with her and be closer to her.

It was gonna be a long week , considering Nicholas wanted to be by himself and do everything by himself.I don't know who he taught he was , but I was helping him with it .Nicholas never did his work by himself he'd pay others to do it .And if he thinks he'll pay me he's biggly misunderstood.And yes that isn't a word . That's how absurd he was.

My brother was also apart of the popular crew every one of his friends saw me as Jonathan's weird little sister. I couldn't care less what people taught of me .My dad always told me that I was different, and fitting in wasn't my thing.


I was at the cafeteria , ordering some snacks along with a slice of pizza.I got what I ordered and went to a seat Jonathan set for me.Although he was a jerk he really had my back.He knew how hard it was for me to make friends. I would go and sit next to my brother in which his girlfriend disliked.She never said anything though.

Wherever Jonathan went a crew would follow him .He always made sure I was ok. Some of his friends was nice to me, Daniel was his friend and he was super kind to me.He'd check up on me to see if I was ok.I liked his company.He considered me his sister and I liked that .

Derek was kinda just flat out weird , he was my bully . He'd make jokes about me and everyone would laugh . He'd tease me all the time .Him and Jonathan, they'ed ask if I had a boyfriend. Basically just trouble me for whatever reason.

Jonathon,Derek and Xavier practically played with all the girls in the school basically. They'ed  tell them they like them for a dare and the girls would immediately jump up and scream excitedly. In my opinion those gurls were stupid.

I missed Stacy I couldn't wait to see her in the afternoon. She always made time for me as her friend .

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