Chapter 33 Awareness

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𝘿𝙖𝙞𝙨𝙮 𝙥𝙤𝙫:

I was shocked by what Nicholas was saying to me.How could he dare to say that.

"Excuse me" I said making sure he heard the disbelief in my voice.

He was standing tall infront of me blocking the door with his big buff strong structure.

"I don't mean it like that.I'm just saying that those girls were unfortunate they didn't walk in to it like your doing" Nicholas said making hand movements with his hands.

I scoffed , crossing my hands turning my head to the side in denial of what he was saying to me.

"Unfortunate-" I laughed a bitter laugh my hands not leaving from under my breast .But were moving from my body movements.

"Those are fucking childrem that have been abducted by that fucking mob ok.Now imagine if that happened to Lil-" He cut me off.

"That will not happen to Lily ok .Don't you dare say such about my daughter" He intetjected.

"I know that wont happen but still imagin-" he interjected again."Thats not going to happen so I don't need to imagine".

I was getting pissed at how he was interjecting me all the time."Look if you don't want that to happen to Lily .Imagine how other parents feel about their child being taken away" I stated my chest heaving up and down looking at him for a response.

He simply pulled out a chair by the table sitting on it .Placing his palm on his forehead , arching his head back while groaning.

"Daisy , you know my family .I don't want you to get hurt .I don't like how your dragging Lily into this.But you have a point we do have to make a stand towards trafficking.-" he paused.

The statement he made really gived me a boost in stopping thia problem."But let somebody else do it " Nicholas finished.


For a second I thought he actually changed his mind adjusting his morals.

He looked at me with his brown orbs. Staring deep into my eyes .That stirred something inside of me.

We stared at eachother for a hot minute before I looked away clearing my throat.While he stared at me with his eyes .Shamelessly.

Making me feel subconscious about how I was looking.

"You are a professor in technology thats what you wanted or what you forced yourself to be because of your dad" I said softly looking down .

Not being able to look him in the eyes.

He got up slowly walking towards me.Lifting up my chin to face his.
"I did it to protect my family " He said to me looking deep into my eyes.

He was so close that I could've seen his eye dilate.Looking intently at me.

"I don't wanna-" I was cut off by his lips being on mine.Moving slowly in accordance to mines.

He moved his hand to the side of my jawline , moving his other hand to hold my waist.

Pulling me closer to his body .Taking his hands from my jawline .Moving his hands to the back of my hand grasping my hair.

Pulling my head closer to his so that he could kiss me thoroughly.

We pulled apart gasping for air .His hands still on my waist looking at me.


My baby.

"Lily, we w-we can't front- of her" I said out of breath looking back at him who was looking at me.

"No she's alright, lets show her , let her see how much Daddy loves her mummy" Nicholas said to me.

Placing his hands onto my ass rubbing it slowly causing me to let out a whimper. "Nich please -" I said in and out of breath.

My hands placed on his shoulder blade.While he moved his lips to my neck nibbling on my skin there.

I pushed him slightly off.Since Lily was looking straight at us. Causing me to feel uneasy about my daughter seeing us-me like that.

Nicholas backed away slightly looking at me his eyebrows knitted in confusion.

"Please not in front of Lily -" I paused taking in the awkward tension.Since I practically dismissed him.

"I have to go I'll be late" I said to Nicholas obviously trying to avoid what just happened. Moving past him akwardly going to Lily kissing her cheek.

I could feel his eyes piercing onto me and through me. Basically fucking  me his eyes.

It was obvious he was bricked and sex  deprieved.

"I'll text you what you need to know" I turned around to tell him.Since I was at the door.

His hands were in his pockets .He was standing legs apart .Hair strand paste across his forehead.

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