Chapter 16: 2 more days

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Hey , i just wanna talk yall for 200 reads.It means alot to me that you viewed my story and came along this adventure with me.Thanks to my ghost readers and my voters .I love yall very much and thanks so much.For giving me the opportunity to be seen on this platform.And for making friends on this platform. I love yall so so so much.And thanks for the opportunity you've given me.💕💋💕💕💕.

𝙎𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙤𝙡 𝙬𝙖𝙨 boring nothing much to do  talk about or do .Daisy was talking with Stacy outside the school compound.

"So are you going to camp yet" said Stacy to Daisy."Yeah, I am " Daisy said nervously while she rubbed the side of her arms akwardly.

"Good, I knew you would come around" Stacy told Daisy enthusiastically."Also, Derek kinda likes you " Stacy said while winking at Daisy .

"Come on chill, I don't... like him like...that you know" said Daisy to Stacy. "Girl don't be afraid, i just thibk he does he never said he did ok" Stacy said to Daisy.

"Is he going camp?" , "yea, as a councillor " stacy responded ."What, a buss kill you know " a tall dark skinned toned boy said.

Daisy looked at him , and slightly tilted her head to know who he is or where she remembers him from.

"Oh , the name is Lorenz, Lorenzo ,Stacy's boyfriend" said the tall guy in front of Daisy and Stacy.

"O my gosh, what is wrong with you why'd you tell her that " Stacy yelled annoyed at Lorenzo.

"Look, aren't you guys friends? Or sum what's wrong with her knowing" Lorenzo said in his defence.

"Yeah, but she .." Stacy look at Daisy then back at Lorenzo, before continuing ."She might tell me brother " she sighed.

"Uhh, sorry guys I zoned out what happened , who's gonna tell your brother what" Daisy said after zoning back  into reality.

Stacy and Lorenzo stared at each other then slowly at Daisy."So she just sails away like that-" Lorenzo said in a weird tone to Stacy, but he wasn't quiet.Stacy quickly knocked him with her elbow by his crutch.

"Ouch, you bitc-"  before Lorenzo could finish his statement .Stacy had already beat him to it "Finish that statement and see if i won't hit you in the crotch again".

Daisy looked at Lorenzo and Daisy concerned." She hits you, that is not ok , you should never hit eachother ok" Daisy said lecturing them.

But Stacy had already walked away grabbing Lorenzo's shirt .Trying to sneak away.

Leaving Daisy with her hands in the air explaining why bullying is wrong.

"Daisy , sweet heart over here baby" Daisy's mother said while honking her horn to alert Daisy she came to pick her up.

Daisy walked to the car and sat down in the front seat beside her mom.


"David , just relax , what is this case to you "Jack said to David.David was quite upset that Osolin removed him from the case since he was so close to busting Giovanni and Allesandro.

" Something ain't right, he working with them, why he all so interested in the case , Jack something ain't right" David said while pacing through all the files he had.

Jack looked at David with disbelief all over his face. "Wait.. " Jack paused to observe everything that David had in his hands . The files.

"Didn't, " he paused a bit more. To which David looked at him, cocking his left eyebrow.

"David, man this is too far , Osolin is going to fire you.What you still doing with this case.You know that Osolin dismissed Giovanni's case cause he's dealing with it " Jack said cautiously while looking at David.

"I know, but this case ain't leaving me" David said sternly." And I ain't mind killing anyone " .

Jack looked at him dumb founded while walking backwords .David looked at him.

"David, this is Osolin's daughter potential boyfriend as much as we know ,You know how Osolin gets when it comes to her " Jack said to David trying to let him let this case go.

David looked up at Jack, menace only laced in his eyes."Nah.." He paused to think in some deep breaths."14 fucking years, i wasted for this" David said to Jack .

Then he smirked looking up at himself ."Nah, wasn't a waste David , the people you were with was a waste " David whispered ʷᵃˢᵗᵉ .

Then turned to Jack pointing his gun at Jack. "You are a fucking waste" he screamed at Jake.

"Look man calm down" Jack said with his arms up in surrender.Then suddenly the door flung open revealing Micheal who had his gun pointed at David.

"Drop your fucking weapon , David .I heard the commotion" Micheal saud sternly.

To which David dropped the  gun.Which made Jake and Micheal flinch .Since they taught it was a loaded gun.

David started laughing hestorically .While putting his hand in the air as surrender.

"April fools" David told Jack and Micheal  before walking out the door.
"Relax i just need coffee, oh and the files on the table Micheal" David said before pushing past them both exiting  his office.

"Yo , what the fuck just happened " Michael asked Jack.

"Yeah , we in the middle of May , how the fuck " Jack paused to put his hand on his hips before continuing ."Where'd he get April fools from.

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Ok so who is your favourite character and why .

I apologize for the cursing btw.💋💕😁

𝙊𝙪𝙧 𝙃𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙨𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙤𝙡 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 Where stories live. Discover now