Chapter 30 : Get up

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              Hey y'all I got  #14 in forgive which is really surprising considering that they are thousands of other books.

𝘿𝙖𝙞𝙨𝙮 𝙥𝙤𝙫:

I woke up to the sounds of Lily crying.Jonathans flight got delayed due to a storm in Ethopa.So here I was , taking care of Lily.

I honestly want to see my dad and my mom.I've moved since I had gotten pregnant.

Nicholas thought it best to keep me close to him.I honestly don't even know where Giovanni is to be honest.

I didn't ever think that I would ever be involved in this lifestyle. And much more I didn't want my child to be involved either.

Alessandro was still a don somewhere in Italy and that's Lily's uncle.

I honestly missed my life before this whole chaos. All of this was on Nicholas .I told him wear your conservatives but nooo.

He said he got a good pull out game and its better to do it raw for the first time.Like what is wrong with him.

Not to add the fact that he had gaslight me for a whole 3years till I got into bed with him .

Then finds out he asked some random girl to be his girlfriend. Which is an absolute madness.

I was currently on a call with Lewis from my highschool when I was 17.He was always so reserved and dull.

But he's completely changed over the years .He's a very active gym member,talks alot , is very social and has his own buisness.

He's done alot if you ask me.

"Well...Buisness been slow but I'm working on it " he responded through tge phone.We used to date but I never took him too serious.

"Yeah, you just need the right amount of companies to invest in or influencers you know they're a thing right" I said speaking from experience.

Its the truth, really.Tictok is very famous for promoting your small businesses .Instagram is too.

"Yeah I know" he did a frustrated sigh before continuing " But the internet is just not my thing you know ,they're alot of things that can go wrong you know.Plus I don't want to be flashed on the news" He said cockily .

I totally understood what he meant, it would be alot to take in .We both laughed till it died down to a chuckle.

𝘼 𝙖𝙠𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙙 𝙘𝙝𝙪𝙘𝙠𝙡𝙚.Note how bold that is ok.

"So when are you coming back to Ethopa ?" He asked me out of the blue defeating the akwardness that was evident.

"I really don't know , Nicholas have kept me here for a while you know" I said that in a sarcastic mom voice.While twirling the phone cord around my finger.

Lily was in the crib sleeping.So I was just over in my room.

"Oh yeah, its about Lily huh" he told me in a negotiating- you shouldn't let him control you- way.

"Yep" I said trying to ease his questions from coming.

"You are a big woman why do you depend on Nicholas " He said in a pleading way as if he was sorry for my lack of freedom.

He continued "You don't have to live there , I know your trying to keep a normal relationship with your-" I cut off the call before he could finish.

Putting the phone back unto the phone hook.I heard the door downstairs open.It had to   be Nicholas ,I just throwed myself onto the bed sprawling my legs in the process.

Then a burst of energy shot through me causing me to jump off the bed standing up.

I needed to get water and to pump breast milk into Lily's bottle for her to drink.

But I was just so tired to do so.But I just layed down and the more I thought about it the more I wanted to get up and do it.

Which I did.

𝙊𝙪𝙧 𝙃𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙨𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙤𝙡 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 Where stories live. Discover now