Chapter 15:Surprise guest

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𝙉𝙞𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙡𝙖𝙨 stood there taking in his father appearance .His jawline , his eyes , his hair.

He was a muscular man and he was tall.Like real tall.

"Get out dad" yelled Grace to her father."But who gon take care of Nicholas " said Osolin.

"I could take care of my son"
"Me! cause I'm not going no more"

Grace and Giovanni said in unison.Osolin looked at his daughter who was in tears ."Grace baby-".

He tried to approach her to which she moved.He tried to touch her when Giovanni stepped in.Blocking him off .

"Grace..Grace!" Osolin said loud enough so she could hear him.

"Once again " Giovanni looked over at Nicholas "cover your ears son , don't wanna let you hear me going on like this on our first  time seeing each other."

"I'm big enough sir" said Nicholas. "Aite mon , you big enough for real, thats true" said Giovanni.

"Yes as i was saying, you fucked up big time" Giovanni who was ushering Osolin harshly out the door.

"Aye you don't talk to my daughter like that ,infront of my grandson" said Osolin angrily.

"Grandson ,my son big difference, now shut the fuck up and get out" Giovanni said sternly like he was stating a point.

Before Osolin could comprehend Giovanni was pushing him out the house.He shut the door.

He looked at Nicholas who was standing eating fruit loops , just enjoying the drama.

"You tell him dad " said Nicholas to his grandfather.

"Look , I'm going and talk to your mother , just play with your toys or so"  Giovanni said to Nicholas.

"I'm 16 " Nicholas stated like it was a fact.

"Oh , yeah, i forgot , well do what you gotta do "Giovanni said before walking to go upstairs to Grace.

Grace was seated in the bathroom , on the closed toilet seat .Wiping her tears .

Giovanni knocked on the door of her bedroom then he walked in ." Hey " he said as softly as he could as he approached her.

"Whats your problem and what are you doing here" said Grace who was still upset with Olsen her father.

"I just came to check up on you and our son" Giovanni said as if he wasn't a bit out of reality.

Grace looked up at him before she stood up. "Look talk to your son or whatever , but we're done" she said lazily before pushing past him.

Before she could completely move from beside Giovanni. He held her wrist."Look I'm not saying I'm not a fuck up dad and man to you, but please just try and let me start off from where i left off".

"Look Giovanni, I've let you live your fantasies long enough, but daddy's right .I'm a whore k" Grace said out of breath with the tissue to her face .

"Grace, come on , what are you saying your not a whore " Giovanni said trying to soothe her.

"Grace just let me take care of our family" Giovanni said pleadingly.Grace looked up at him .He pulled her into a hug .

He was patting down her hair , that was fuzzy."Its ok" Giovanni kept repeating from time to time.

Giovanni was Grace safe place always have been.

"Daddy where are you , everyone is here for the party, but your no where to be seen" Grace told her father over the phone .

"Look I'm coming , just relax , start the party without me princess" Osolin told his 16 year old daughter.

"No dad its a sweet sixteen , I need you to be here now .I did this late for you , " she screamed "I did this for you and your not coming are you"

"I'm sorry" Osolin replied ."So you would've just drilled me all this time huh " Grace said making sure he heard her displeasure .

He always choosed work over Grace all the time .

Grace dropped her phone and ran away leaving her aunt clueless on where she went.

Grace sneaked out and went over to Giovanni's house.As soon as he saw her he embraced her .As she balled her eyes out.

He walked her inside the house while patting her back ."I'll be a detective , one of these days and when i get children I'll see if he really was busy  or he didn't make time for me ."Grace said angrily to Giovanni.

Giovanni understood how she felt."Grace , come on he's probably stressed out , plus its him alone" Giovanni stated .

Grace  was just listening to him while sniffiling away her tears."I'll be a single parent just to prove my point" Grace stated.

"I would never let you be a single parent" Giovanna said as he kissed her forehead.
𝔈𝔫𝔡 𝔬𝔣 𝔣𝔩𝔞𝔰𝔥𝔟𝔞𝔠𝔨

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 Y'all I hate writing curse words .I just feel guilty about it .I know this chapter is cringe lol.But bear with me its about to get better well least.

𝙊𝙪𝙧 𝙃𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙨𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙤𝙡 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 Where stories live. Discover now