Chapter 23 Who hacked the laptop

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𝙅𝙤𝙝𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙣 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙉𝙞𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙡𝙖𝙨 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙥𝙖𝙘𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 𝙩he room in their dorm.It had been 4 days into a 2 weeks camp and they needed to go .

"Shit,Shit" Nicholas yelled trying to set up fire walls on his device to block Giovanni's source from getting info on their database.

It was impossible to not be caught breaking codes on Giovanni's source considering the fact that they had check up every three days.

And that was something Jonathan completely forgot about.All Nicholas needed was one more minute.

In that minute he could get all the data base downloaded over to the flash.Giving them access to all their encrypted passwords.

It would take a full on years for them to start up everything, setting up stronger firewalls.But with the people Giovanni worked with that would be up in a weeks time .

'𝘿𝙖𝙩𝙖 𝙗𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙙' was what showed up on Nicholas screen.Nicholas jumped before taking out the sim of the laptop along with the flash drives.Before throwing the laptop down smashing it into pieces on the floor.

He had an extra copy for Jonathon to keep in case his got thrown away .

Johnathon was walking up the stairs with Daisy when they heard the loud crash and ran into the cabin to see what was going on with Nicholas.

But as they opened the door, the saw a flustered Nicholas packing their bags.

"Great you guys are here, come pack your bags we need to go " Nicholas said.Jonathan looked on the floor to see  his laptop broken to pieces but didn't dare to ask questions.

He quickly started packing his bags to head out.When they got everything packed. Daisy and Nicholas cleaned up the laptop putting it in a black bag before running behind to the back of their cabin.

Digging a deep hole to bury the laptop in.

Then Jonathan cleared out the place for them to pass.While Nicholas grabbed onto Daisy hands as softly as he could. Since his hands were way bigger than hers.

It was night not to mention.

They looked around trying to get a car but they realized that time was against them so they ran out to the roadside.With Nicholas pulling out a black skee mask , before Nicholas hot wired a car .They had to hijack the car door  with a skeleton key.

Nicholas looked over to Daisy and Jonathan. Jonathon caught on "oh yeah the phones" Jonathon said before dropping his phone into Nicholas case that made cell phones out of service due to it gravitational pull.

It wouldn't harm the phone just that anyone trying to get access to the phone would not be able too.

Daisy dropped her phone into the case.Before Jonathon jumped into the front seat driving off into the distance of their home.

"Alright, so thats not Giovanni's source , they're after Giovanni" Nicholas said before taking a gun out of his camp bag, cocking the gun below by his seat so that no one would see he was in custody of a gun.

Jonathan looked down at Nicholas before saying "They're after Giovanni right, and we have information that could prove your fathers innocent" Jonathan stated.

Nicholas responded right after Johnathon was finish speaking."Here, we can't make it with this car they'll search for this we have to run this off the road-"Daisy and Jonathan looked at Nicholas, before Jonathan focused on the road. "I mean like , distraction not with us inside" Nicholas stated like it was a point.

This made both Jonathan and Daisy to sigh in relief.

"Alright, so we're going to turn in by that cliff add some alcohol in the car, then the car will blow up when it falls from the cliff" Nicholas said to Jonathan before continuing ."No worries my uncle is going to meet us there, he has the vodka and every thing, plus its better for us because it'll look like drunk teenagers drinking and driving and they wouldn't be anything left of the car I promise " Nicholas said before he directed Jonathan into the corner of which the car would be.

Allesandro stepped out of his car collecting Jonathon, Nicholas and
Daisy into his car.Before Allsesandro told the driver to drop Daisy and Jonathon home to their parents.

Since it would be safer for them.Nicholas had to go to his dad cause it was a possibility that there was a mole in the organisation and they knew who Nicholas was.Although he carried his mothers last name.

Allsesandro knew what was happening because his laptop was synchronized with Jonathons.Since David( Jonathons father )kept contact with Allsesandro.

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