Chapter 8 :-The flash

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Author POV:

Nicholas was pacing around his bedroom.Who could have had dealings with the flash drive.

He needed to find that thing, for that flash drive has mad power on the biggest mafias.

Even his mother who works with the criminal department. Never intertwined it.

The jasper mafia was a big mafia.It is unknown in which country that mafia abides.

His mother kept that away for a reason.She doesn't want her son dealing with anything to do with mafias.

Ethopa is a small country ,but we have lavish info on the main mafias.For my father made Ethopa the root of the mafia world.

Although our crime rate is low.Nicholas still needed that drive . Where could it be?

It was with Nicholas all along for his father always told him never trust anyone.

Nicholas was sure to get the GPS its clear that they had a rat among them.

He knew the culprit damn well.It was Derek.

Could never be careful with anyone now a days huh.

The real question Nicholas had was what did Derek want with this drive.

He had to protect Daisy,since Daisy was seen with the drive.As I said we don't know what they're intentions are.

So its best to be careful than sorry.I'm sorry to those who actually thought I left the drive with Marcus.

And those who thought Marcus was actually crazy enough to loose it.

Nicholas POV:

I was in the drug store. No we do not sell drugs .Its a disguise we only sell drugs you can get over the counter.

Yeah I may know about the shipments of other drugs but we do not promote it in our country never letting it slide .

I was with Marcus and that Dalton dude. Yeah I've been skipping school not on purpose though.

Well alright I may have been doing it to avoid Daisy crazy. I know.

But my reasoning is as simple as it gets she knows too much and she inspecting everyone and I don't want nobody up in my business.

"So dalton why did you come Ethopa its strange ,I mean you seem suspicious of all places Ethopa" I said.

One thing with me I always keep it straight up.

"I know, I just needed to see how everything going might stay here yk" he responded.

One thing I realize is his English clean bad.He not no Italian. I already knew the tactic my uncle send him.

"So you speak Italian yes?"I asked .Let me see if he got lie to me.

"Trying , I'm not fluent tho " he said.

Atleast he honest gah give he a tops for that.

"How you come from Italy and ain't know to speak Italian" said Marcus.

"The place where I was born in Italy ,didn't really speak Italian since it was hard to catch on for the kids,I was raised in Italy ,my parents never thought me Italian I had English teachers to teach me " he responded.


"So you speak any language" Marcus asked.

"Si yo hablo un poco español" he said (yes I speak a little Spanish)

Aite so he could speak Spanish big up to he.

"Me in understand one thing you seh just now how you gon speak in a different language when we talking English" Marcus said hissing his teeth.

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Alright I will be uploading more soon. I'm still in school y'all also I have exam coming up.So you done know. Don't forget to vote and comment .Enjoy y'all day.

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