My Chosen Wife Saga 1(1)

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Mirielle's POV

I paced myself after finishing off my 5k-mile run. I slowed down on the treadmill and leaned forward, panting hard. I felt the sweat dripping down my face. I reached for my towel but it wasn't there.

"Looking for this, superstar?" I look up and smile. It was my neighbor, Nickolas Hernandez. I moved into this place when I was 18 after finally leaving my toxic family environment. My stepdad tried to rape me after years of trying to groom me to be the perfect slave for him. My mom did nothing about it and when I finally turned 18, I beat the living shit out of him, knocked my mom out, stole all of their life savings plus money I saved over the years, and moved to this small town. I changed my name, dyed my hair, got colored contacts, and that's when I met Nick. He is a 26-year-old sergeant of our small town so he is looked at as a hero. He keeps us safe from thugs, is super nice, helps out with the community, and did I mention how fucking hot he was? He was a 6'4" Mexican male, with tanned skin, bright green eyes, a muscular figure, and a slight accent. God, he makes my pussy swoon. Even after a year of knowing each other.

I take the towel from him, wiping the sweat off.

"Thanks. Man, I needed that run. Had to clear my head of some things." He nodded.

"I completely understand. I had a touch shift today as well. Some gang members were traveling through here and some were settling here so I had to keep my guard up all day."

"Ooh, that sounds scary..." I say. He shrugged and brushed the invisible dirt off his shoulders.

"Nothing I can't handle, princessa." And cue the pussy swooning.

"I know but that doesn't mean I can't be worried." 

"I appreciate it. Are you heading home?" I nod.

"Yeah, I've done my exercises for the day so time to go home and relax." I gathered up my things and he opened the door for me. 

"Let me walk you back." I smiled and nodded. We walk through the complex, just chatting about different things. He makes me laugh so loud, I heard someone say shut up. I covered my mouth and he chuckled too. He walked me up to my door and just stared at me for a moment.

"Well, I better let you go. Good night." He kissed the back of my hand and walked into his apartment. I smiled and walked inside. Once the door was locked, I set my bag down in the bedroom and started to undress to get ready to take a shower. Taking a shower after a hard workout is heaven. After my shower, I got dressed in some light purple pajamas and braided my hair while it was still wet. I make sure I have my gun close by and a knife as well. I never know when my mom or stepdad are going to take their revenge. I must be prepared. I have a Muay Thai class at 10 am, a kickboxing class at noon, and a judo class at 2 pm. I have transformed my body into a weapon of mass destruction. No one will ever make me look weak again. I lay down in bed and sleep slowly enters my brain.

*The Next Day*

I was finally finished with all of the self-defense classes for the day and I was ravenous! I was so hungry. Thankfully, there is a cute mom-and-pop restaurant that sells the best chicken sandwich I have had in a long time right across the street. During my class, I couldn't help but notice two men looking in my direction every once in a while. This was during my entire workout. I felt awkward but they didn't say or so anything so I just assumed that they were admiring my form. Whatever. As long as they don't do anything to me. After I packed everything up, I quickly headed outside and got in my car. I couldn't shake that strange feeling that someone was still watching me. Hmm, maybe it's just paranoia. I shake my head and begin my drive to the restaurant.

Once I got there, the hostess smiled at me.

"Ah, Miri! This is your third time this week," she tells me.

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