Chapter 1.2

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We see Arachnida standing on top of a building, as he looked down, a crowd of people gathered up, everyone wearing fan costumes of many sorts of Spiderman.

In front of them, a redhead girl about the same age as Y/N was standing. She was wearing a brown trench coat. This universe's MJ.

MJ: My husband, Peter Parker, was an ordinary person. He always said it could've been anyone behind the mask. He was just the kid who happened to get bit. He didn't ask for his powers, but he chose to be Spider-Man.

MJ: My favorite thing about Peter is that he made us each feel powerful. We all have powers of one kind or another. But in our own way. We are all Spider-Man. And we're all counting on you.

Arachnida walks away, as the speech continues.


A while later, after giving their condolences to MJ and May, the crowd dispersed, as we see Y/N slowly come down from a rooftop behind the two, as the two ladies were going back to their home.

Y/N takes his mask off, as he tries to reach out to the two, but hesitates.

May: *back turned* If you want to give your condolences, then don't feel hesitant.

Y/N stops, as he puts his hand down and the two ladies turn around.

Y/N: Aunt Ma- I mean, Mrs. Parker. I... I don't know how to tell you this, but... I'm like Peter.

MJ: What?

Y/N: It would be better and easier to show, rather than try to tell in words.

He shoots a web to a nearby wall, as the two ladies stare at the webbing, then at Y/N.

Y/N: My name is Y/N Parker. I'm from an alternate dimension, where I'm his adopted brother. I know it sounds crazy, but it's the tru-

MJ: We believe you.

May: Another one, huh?

Y/N: ... Huh?

MJ: Come with us.

Y/N: This has been... Easier than I thought...

May: You aren't the first to come here from another dimension, you know?

She walks up to him and grabs his face and starts to examine him.

May: You look weak. Have I been giving you enough pies to eat in your universe? *Sigh* Don't worry, I'll bake some once we get home.

She sniffs his hair.

May: And maybe take a bath. You smell worse than Peter would do when he comes late at night.

Y/N: So... There's more Spidermen? Wait, there could be a female Spiderman too. There could, right? I mean, of course, there can. So then... Spider... People...?

May opens the door to her car.

May: Get in.

May: *starting the car* Hey, I got a question. How long have you been doing this?

Y/N: Three years, why?

May: You look in your early or mid 20s... So, you've been doing this since the time you were around 19?

Y/N: Umm... Ouch. I AM, 19...

May: Oh... Pardon my question then.

Y/N: 🥲👍🏻

Y/N: Wait, do you guys have Cooper too?

MJ: Cooper?

Y/N: Yeah. Wait.

He takes his phone out as he shows the two ladies a picture.

Y/N, Peter, MJ and May of his universe, and Cooper.

MJ: Peter looks older. How old is he in your world?

Y/N: He's in his late 30s. Here, he's about a few years older than me.

May: *taking a look while driving* Hmm... I look prettier as I am... Heh... I'm the prettiest May I've seen till now... Bitches...

Y/N: Uhhh... What? 😃

MJ: Don't mind her... Ever since she came to know about the other version of hers, she has been going on about how she's prettier.

May: *in a singsong voice* Which I am.

MJ: As for your question, we don't have a dog, but we do have a pig.

Y/N: P-Pig...?

MJ: *closing the door* Yeah. Why do you sound worried?

Y/N: I... I don't have exactly a good experience with pigs...


Child Sam was laughing his ass off while a pig was chasing a child Y/N as the latter screamed in terror, but then the orphanage caretaker came, shooed the pig away and smacked Sam in the head while patting a crying Y/N.

-flashback end-

Y/N: Ehe... Uhh...

May: Madeline was never anywhere as good looking as me. And neither is your May, no offense.

Y/N smiles.

Y/N: No, it's alright. You're actually a lot like my Aunt May...

May smiles, as she stops at a red light.

Y/N: I, uh... I'm sorry about Peter... I know you two loved him a lot...

MJ: Thanks... But for now, we need to focus on getting you back to your home. That was, after all, Peter's last wish.

Y/N: So, is there a plan already?

MJ: There was, but we were unable to retrieve the override key that was supposed to restart the collider to send you guys back home.

May: *groaning* Just call it a goober.

Y/N: But wouldn't that be confusing? Like, in my world, there's the override key, then there's a virus key, a bypass key, a malfunction key and many more. What if you take the wrong one at the time of need? Or worse, what if two keys are required at a time, and you mistook one for the other? It could put the whole mission in jeopardy.


May: Whatever, still gonna call it goober though. Oh, we're here.

The three get out of the car and head to the Parker residence.

A/N: Aaand, that does it for chapter 2 of Into the Spider-verse.

Hope you guys liked it and that I portrayed the characters properly.

Till the next time,


Spiders Are Arachnids! (A Male Reader X Spiderverse Series Fanfic) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now