Chapter 2.15

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We see Spot enter the collider room, as he puts his hand in one of his spots and presses a button at a distance.

Spot: Boop.

He starts to open spots under the scientists there, teleporting them out of the room.

Spot: Go away. Go away. See you later. Thanks for coming.

The spiders arrive at the scene, as the scientists get up and start to run back.

Pavitra: *to a scientist* Would you please deactivate this strong barrier?

Scientist: It can't be turned off until the collider sequence is complete.

Y/N: Oh, crap.

Miles: *to the Spot* You need to stop! You don't know what you're doing!

But the villain didn't pay any attention to Miles as he kept turning the collider on.

Spot: I'm about to be so much more than a villain of the week.

Miles: I'm sorry I called you that, okay? You're a great villain.

Spot: Oh, not yet, I'm not.

Intercoms: Initialising collider.

Miles: No!

Jessica appears beside Gwen.

Jessica: How's it going now?

Gwen: Great.

She cuts the call.

Gwen: Anyone got any ideas?

Pavitra: Y/N! Remember when I told you to stop holding back?!

Y/N: Huh?

He looks at the barrier.

Y/N: I see. Stand back guys.

He gets back at a distance and shakes his arms.

Y/N: Alright. Get that angry mofo back out.

He takes a deep breath, as he yells as hard as he could and runs at the barrier.

He punches it as a huge crack appears all around it.


He goes to strike it again.

Miles: Wait!

Y/N: *stopping midway* Huh?

Miles: Breaking it might set an alarm off!

Y/N: *sarcastically* Oh, right! An alarm! Holy crap, why didn't I think of that?! Wait, let me guess. Maybe because there's NOBODY here! And whatever protocol comes online if it breaks will not be able to prevent us from stopping that guy right there!

Miles: Just- step back.

Miles puts this hands on barrier.

Y/N: And what exactly are you doing?

Miles: Just give me a second.

Pavitra: Do you want us to do something, or do we just stand here?

Miles starts to send his electricity through the barrier.

Pavitra: Are you charging it, or...?

Miles: No. I'm absorbing it, so I can shoot it back.

Y/N: That's genius! But can you be a bit faster?!

Miles: Can you be a bit quieter?!

???: Oi, oi!

Someone runs up to them as a new Spider-man pulls his guitar in front and grabs his guitar pick as he... Plays a tune and it breaks the barrier...?

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