Chapter 2.6

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We see a man wearing a Spiderman mask and a proper well groomed suit as he enters a room and picks a pad from a desk and flips through the papers. Ezekiel Sims. Spider-Society's grief counselor and therapist.

Ezekiel: Y/N Parker?

We see Y/N lying on a bed, in normal clothing he had borrowed from Pavitra, as Ezekiel sits down on a chair beside him.

Ezekiel: My name is Ezekiel. You can call me what you feel comfortable calling me. I'm going to ask you to be completely honest and clean with me during our sessions in order to help you with your current situation. Is that clear?

Y/N silently nods.

Ezekiel: With that out of the way, let's begin with a formal and proper introduction from your side.

Y/N: My name is Y/N Parker. I was adopted in the Parker family after my brother, Samuel Drake died in front of me. I... I'm 20 years old... No... 19... No... I... I lost count...

Ezekiel: I see. I'm sorry to hear about your brother. May he rest in peace. Now, tell me what's your reason to come to therapy.

Y/N: I... Peter... My world's Peter, he... He...

Ezekiel: There's no need to force yourself too much, Y/N. You can go at whatever pace you want.

Y/N nods.

Y/N: I... After Sam's death, I was taken in the Parker family... And treated as one of their own. May became the motherly figure I never had in my life, Peter did his best to not have me feel Sam's absence. MJ, she helped me cope with Sam's death a lot and practically took over the role of a caring older sister. 

Y/N: Then one day, I... I got transported to  the other dimension, and I saw... That Peter was dead. Though I realised that it wasn't my universe, the feeling that Peter, and everyone who cared for me might actually leave me one day, like Sam, it still lingered around. And... And...

Ezekiel passes a napkin to Y/N.

Y/N: It, it scared me. I... I didn't want to be alone again. I... He was right.

Ezekiel: "He"?

Y/N: Last night, I had a dream...

Ezekiel: Want to tell me about it?

Y/N nods.

Y/N: I was... In my New York, and I was running, then I saw... I saw Peter, he was, skeletal, a bunch of bones in a Spider-man costume. He... He blamed me for his death. Then May too, I... I tried to escape but Carnage, it came up behind me and... And he said that they died because I was scared... That I was scared. A pussy. When I was sent into the other dimension. And I, I, I can't help, but agree.

Ezekiel: I see. Y/N, you need to understand that whatever happened to your people was NOT your fault. Whatever happened in your dream was your own negative thoughts taking a form of something regarding your guilt and sorrow. Tell me, this... Carnage. Did it on any moment take upon your appearance?

Y/N nods.

Y/N: Yeah... Yeah, it did.

Ezekiel: *writing something down on the pad* Okay, I think we have figured out what we need to deal with and how we need to deal with it. Y/N, I want you to come here and tell me about any dreams or nightmares, or even the slightest negative thought that you might have, every single day from today onwards. I want you to be here and talk about it for at the very least, an hour. Understood?

Y/N nods again.

-2 hours later-

We see Y/N wiping his tears with the tissues as he blows his nose.

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