Chapter 2.12

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We see MJ and Y/N walking, with Y/N having his suit on, yet, nobody spared a second look.

That's New York for you, I guess. Or, so I've heard from its citizens, cuz I'm literally on the other end of the world from New York.


The two keep walking, with Cooper beside MJ, as they soon stop.

MJ: Well, here we are.

Y/N looks ahead as he sees a small apartment, with nothing too fancy, but cozy enough for one person to live and have a few guests over as well.

MJ opens the door and lets go of Cooper's leash as the dog runs and starts to chew on his squishy toy, not having a care about the world.

Y/N stays still, not moving, as someone comes in from another room.

May: Mary, are you back?

MJ: Yeah, and I've brought someone.

May: Brought someo-?

She sees Y/N, as the boy gulps a drop of saliva.

May: Is that you, Y/N?

Y/N tries to speak, but his voice doesn't come out.

MJ walks up to him and gently holds his hand.

MJ: It's okay. Come on in. Have a seat.

She leads the boy to the living room as she sits him down.

MJ: There.

She looks at May.

MJ: Can I talk to you about something?

May: What is it?

MJ nods her head to the side as the two ladies go in the kitchen and MJ starts to speak.

MJ: I found him on Park Avenue. He heard my voice and started to hyperventilate and cry. I, I never had to encounter such a situation, but I did my best, maybe you can help him more.

May: I'll see what I can do.

May walks up to Y/N, who was staring at the floor, scared to even look at May.

The lady sits down and grabs Y/N's hand.

May: What has gotten my ball of sunshine this down? Want a pie?

Y/N still kept staring down, not looking up. May puts her hand below Y/N's chin and lifts his head up, making him look up.

Y/N tries to look elsewhere, but May has his face facing hers.

May: Now, wanna talk to me about this?

Y/N: I... I...

She rubs the boy's back.

It was funny, yet so sad that the boy who was acting as the eldest between himself, Gwen, and Miles, was now in this position.

May: It's okay. Take your time.

Y/N takes a deep breath.

Y/N: I... I'm sorry...

May: Sorry? What for...?

Y/N then told the two the whole thing.

Throughout the story, MJ kept looking at the boy with sympathy and May looked at the boy, completely devastated by what she was hearing.

Once he was done telling the two everything, both of them hugged Y/N instantly.

Seeing this, Cooper also ran up to the three and snuggled against Y/N, as the boy soon dropped a tear and seconds later, was crying uncontrollably.

May and MJ tried their best to console the boy, as after about 10-15 minutes of nothing but crying and hugging, Y/N seemed to slowly quiet down.

May: Y/N, I... I'm sorry you had to go through that... And not even once, should you think that it was your fault and apologize for it.

She wipes the boy's tears away.

May: Y/N. Not even once, do I want you to feel that you're all alone out there. When Peter told me that he was the person behind the mask, I was... I was terrified. With Ben gone, Peter was my only reason to live anymore. And seeing him tell me that he has been out there fighting Liv, Tombstone and all those people, it... It scared me, that if the worst came to be, I could be seeing him for the last time without even knowing of it.

May: I opposed his doings. I refused to have him go out wearing that mask. But one day, I saw it myself, the smile he had on his face, when he was telling me about the time he saved a boy from falling off of a building. It was... It was the sweetest thing I had ever seen. Only Ben was the person who had been able to make Peter smile like that. And I realised... This is what he wants to be. This is what he LOVES to be.

May: With a heavy heart, I had to let him go. The world's a big place, and I was scared that my little Peter, who wouldn't eat mushrooms, because they tasted funny, would find himself fighting off of many people, and feel alone. I was scared, that he might end up having to fight himself one day. So I did what I could. Be the sheet around him. Even if paper-thin, I knew that Peter wouldn't feel alone.

May then smiles at Y/N, as she kisses the boy's forehead.

May: And that's what I need you to understand as well.

May: Not once, will you let anyone tell you what you are, and what you will or will not do. Not once will you be alone, you'll always have people by your side. Ready to help you, ready to risk it all, just for your safety. All you have to do, is just look around yourself, and reach out. Okay?

Y/N nods slightly, as May runs her fingers through Y/N's hair.

May: You must be hungry. You're all paled up. I'll bake a pie.

Y/N: That's alright. I just... I have to head out soon, and... I... May, MJ, I...

MJ puts her hand on Y/N's shoulder.

MJ: It's okay. You don't have to say anything. We both love you too.

Y/N actually smiles, as May's eyes widen.

Y/N smiling.

The sweetest smile she had ever seen.

Peter smiling.

The sweetest smile she had ever seen.

A tear runs down her eyes, as she wipes it off before either of the two notice it, as she smiles and hugs the boy one more time.

May: Surely you can spare an hour or so for your Aunt May, MJ and Cooper, right?

Y/N stays silent before sighing in defeat.

May: Good. I'll make us some tea.

A/N: Chapter 2.12 done! Hope you guys enjoyed it, well, I, for one, did enjoy writing it.


Hope you guys liked it,

Wait, I said that already.


(This finna trigger so many ppl XD)

Till the next time,


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