Chapter 1.5

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The two go to the mall, as May picks some clothes for Y/N, having the boy try them on one by one and then choosing the best ones.

They then bought some groceries, eggs, meat and the other basic stuff, as they were walking back to the car when Y/N stopped in his tracks, staring somewhere.

May: Y/N? You alright kid?

She looks where the boy was staring as we see a man, who looked like he was in his mid 20s or so, standing at the counter of Burger Queen's order counter.

May: Someone you know?

Y/N says nothing as he walks up to the counter.

We see a man with H/C hair and blue eyes, calculating the order total for a customer.

Sam: That would be 112 dollars and 79 cents. Hope you enjoy your meal, sir.

The customer pays the amount as Y/N walks up to the man.

Sam: Welcome to Burger Queen, what can I get yo-

He stops in between his words.

Sam: Y/N...?

Y/N stays silent, staring at the man in front of him.

Sam looks down and clears his throat.

Sam: Sorry about that sir, it's just you reminded me of someone, what would you like to have today?

Y/N: I... I'm...

May: *interrupting the two* I'm sorry for my nephew's behavior, he's just a bit shaken up with what happened.

Sam: Mrs. Parker. I'm so sorry to hear about Peter. He was a nice man, but I couldn't have thought that he was Spider-man. I'm sorry for your loss. I know he loved to come here.

May: It's alright...

She sees the namecard.

May: Samuel.

Sam looks at Y/N.

Sam: Hello again bud. The name's Sam Drake. Nice to meet ya.

(A lil cookie for those who get the reference 🍪)

Sam puts his hand out, but Y/N doesn't respond.

Sam: This is the part where you introduce yourself, buddy.

Y/N: Sam... Parker...

Sam: Sam Parker? Well, that would be easy to remembe- Woah.

Y/N was hugging Sam.

Sam: You okay, man?

Y/N: Thank you... For everything...

Sam: Okay...? I mean, I did put some extra ketchup sachets and mayo for Peter every now and then, but it's not that big of a deal, so...

He awkwardly pats Y/N's back.

Sam hears some sniffling as he looks at Y/N.

Sam: Hey, it's okay. I know it's hard to lose a brother. I've been there. But it's okay man. Don't lose yourself to that emptiness, okay?

Y/N lets go of Sam as he wipes his tears.

Y/N: Wait... You said you know what it feels like and that you've been there. What did you mean by that?

Sam smiles as he takes his wallet out and then, takes out a small photo. It was Y/N's photograph, only this time, Y/N was blonde.

(If y'all chose your variant of Y/N to be blonde, then just take... Redhead, for a change)

Sam: He was 16. I was 20. He had dreams, of doing something great. I saw a spark in him, that's why I pushed him to do what he wanted to. But I didn't see where the spark being lit a lot sent him. One day, a robber tried to mug me, and he defended me, taking a bullet for me. He was as selfless as they come.

Y/N: I'm sorry to hear that...

Sam: Thanks. You look a lot like how I imagined he would look when he got older. What are you, 19? 20?

Y/N: I'm 19.

Sam: I see. Tell you what. Order what you want. It's on the house.

May: Oh, we possibly couldn't.

Sam: Please. Allow me to do this. He saved me once from falling down a rooftop. It's the least I can do.

May: But-

Sam: Mam, please.

May: Fine... But the least I'll allow is a 50% discount.

Sam puts his hands up in defeat.

Sam: Alright mam. I surrender.

May pays for the food, as the two decide to go.

Y/N: You know...

Sam looks up.

Y/N: I may not know Y/N all that well, but I know that he must have felt so lucky to have a guy like you to call his brother. Even if you two would pull pranks on each other all the time. I think... Right now, the only thing he would say to you, is...

He smiles, as he looks at Sam.

Y/N: "I love you, Sam. I wouldn't accept anything, no matter how tempting some might find it, if it meant to give you away, and I... Thank you for being my brother."

Sam: I... Uh... Thanks man, I guess.

Y/N nods.

The two go out of the mall, as they get in the car.

May: How you feeling?

Y/N: Better, actually. Glad I got to get that off my chest. Even if it was to another Sam.

May pats Y/N's back, as they go "home".


We see Peni sitting on top of Sp//Dr, as she slumps down.

Peni: *groaning* I'm getting bored...

The sound of the lift starting echoes in the Spidercave, as Peni perks up.

Peni: That's the lift! Maybe Y/N's back!

She jumps down from Sp//Dr, as she runs to the lift entrance as she sees May and Y/N coming down and a huge smile falls upon Peni's face.

The two get off the platform as Peni runs up and hugs Y/N.

Y/N: Hey, lil bean. Sorry if you got too bored.

Peni: It's okay.

Y/N gets on his knees to reach Peni's level as she looks at his face.

Soggy eyes.

Peni: Wait, why were you crying? Are you okay?

Y/N smiles as he puts his hand on Peni's head.

Y/N: I'm fine sweetie. No need to worry.

Peni: Okay...

Y/N: Oh? What's this?

He brings his hands forward as he shows Peni the burgers.

Peni: Burgers!

Y/N chuckles as he gets back up and puts the bag on a table before taking out the contents as he hands a burger and fries to Peni.

Y/N: There we are.

Peni eats the burger with a big smile on her face, as Y/N looks around.

Y/N: Wait, where's MJ?

Peni: She went to her place, she said she didn't want to intrude Mrs. Parker any longer.

Y/N: I see. Though I don't think she might have been intruding, right, Aunt May?

May nods.

Y/N: Well, maybe some private time is what she needs right now though.

A/N: Chapter 1.5 done!

Hope you guys liked it,

Till the next time,


Spiders Are Arachnids! (A Male Reader X Spiderverse Series Fanfic) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now