Chapter 1.4

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We see Parker residence, as we go inside to see Y/N in a towel in a bathroom.

Y/N: Dang. I don't have clothes. Now what?

He slightly opens the door.

Y/N: Aunt May? You there?

May comes outside the door.

May: What's up?

Y/N: What's up...? *Sigh* I got an issue. I don't have any clothes on me. Did you wash my old clothes?

May: Ofcourse I did! What were you gonna do, wear them back again?

Y/N: Well, I would've had to, since I don't have any other.

May: Alright. I'll arrange something, but you'll need clothes if you're gonna go to Alchemax, you'll need clothes.

A while later, a knock is heard on the bathroom door, as Y/N slightly opens the door.

Y/N: Yeah?

May: Here. These were Peter's they might be a little big, but we're going shopping later, so you better be ready.

Y/N takes the clothes as he shakes the pants off before starting to put them on.

Y/N: Wait, shopping? You mean like grocery and stuff?

May: Yes, and clothes for you.

Y/N comes out of the bathroom, wearing the clothes that May gave him.

Though both Peter and Y/N were more of the skinny and lean type, the clothing felt a bit baggy for Y/N. but, hey. It looked good on him.

May puts her hands on Y/N's cheeks.

May: It's as if I'm looking at another Peter.

She sniffs a bit, as she wipes her eyes before she grabs the towel.

May: Jesus, you and Peter. None of you can even dry your hair properly.

She grabs the towel with both her hands.

May: Now come on.

Y/N: Huh?

May: Come on. Put your head in this towel so I can dry your hair.

Y/N smiles as he puts his head on the towel.

May wipes the boy's hair thoroughly with the towel, as she then sniffs the hair for verification that the boy actually did wash his hair and not just soak it with water.

May: Good.

She then grabs a comb.

May: Is the Peter from your world like this as well?

She starts to comb Y/N's hair, as she looks at the boy once done.

May: There we are.

We see sparkles around Y/N as his hair was combed into the "good boy" hairstyle.

May: Now, eat your breakfast and we can go.


We see Y/N eating a small piece of pie, as May grabbed the keys.

May: Ready?

Y/N: Yeah, just a sec.

He finishes his pie, as he gets up while still chewing his food as he went to wipe his hands in his pants.

May: Ahem.

The boy stops, as he properly chews the food and gulps it, drinks some water and then washes his hands properly. He then dries them off, as he walks up to May.

Y/N: Ready.

May: Good. Now let's go.

The two leave the house as they get in the car.

Y/N: I'll pay you back some way, I pro-

May: Don't. You. Dare.

Y/N: Yes mam...

He sits silently in his seat, seeing the scenery outside.

Y/N: Hey, Aunt May?

May: Hmm?

Y/N: Are you actually fine?

May: What do you mean?

Y/N: It is really well hidden, but from what I've learned while living with my Aunt May, is that the way you're currently acting. Completely normal and stuff, that's an act you're putting up.

May slowly halts the car.

Y/N: *not noticing the halt* I mean, even MJ cried, but I don't think I've seen you-

A couple sniffles grab his attention as he looks towards May and sees her with her head on the steering wheel.

May: I have to. I'm the oldest. If I break down, who will look after the others? But... It's so damn hard...

Tears fall out of her eyes.

May: It's so goddamned hard to stay strong... First Ben, and now Peter, I... I can't keep staying strong... I...

She starts to cry and mourn.

May: Oh Peter... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry for not being there for you... You always worked the whole night... Just for the sake of the others, and I didn't even notice how it was affecting you... I'm so sorry... Your stupid old aunt is so sorry, Peter...

Y/N stays silent for a second or two, before he reaches his arm out and puts it around May and pulls the woman in for a hug.

Y/N: It's okay... I won't tell anyone... Cry your heart out, May... It's fine... You're only human... It's okay...

The moment these words escape Y/N's mouth, May shatters. The glass sphere of toughness and hardness that May had to be after Peter's death, had turned into a broken mess of glass pieces.

She starts to weep in the boy's arms, as Y/N couldn't help but find himself shedding  tears as well.

Yes, this wasn't his Aunt May, but she was still Aunt May... Her laughs were the same... Her cries were also the same... So, to Y/N, it was his Aunt May crying in his arms.

Y/N: Shhh... It's okay... You're gonna be okay, Aunt May... Peter would hate seeing you be that ball of hardness... Please, just, be yourself... You don't need to be strong for others. It's okay to laugh if you want to. It's alright to cry if you want to. Holding emotions back would just deepen the wound further, okay?

May silently nods, as she gets up after a few seconds, still sniffing.

May: Look at me. Crying in the arms of a nephew of mine in another universe. I'm so pathetic, am I not?

Y/N: You're not. You're the most amazing person I've seen. And the fact that you were able to stay strong for such a long time just solidifies my thoughts.

May chuckles, as she puts a hand on Y/N's cheek.

May: You're a really good boy, Y/N. I'm starting to get jealous of your world's May for having such an angel of a nephew.

Y/N shakes his head.

Y/N: Don't say that. I'm nobody special. I'm just a normal boy who lives with his family and loves them more than anything.

May smiles at Y/N as she starts to car again.

May: Now, off we go shopping.

Y/N: Alrighty.

A/N: Chapter 1.4 done! Hope you guys liked it,

Till the next time,


Spiders Are Arachnids! (A Male Reader X Spiderverse Series Fanfic) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now