Chapter 1.7

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The two spider people enter inside the room as they see a bunch of people working there, thus, being forced to cling to the walls.

Y/N: Wait, what time is it?

A loud ringing echoes, as the scientists all stretch their bodies and go for lunch.

Y/N: Ain't that convenient.

Once everyone was gone, the two get down as Y/N starts to try and hack into the systems.

Gwen: Shouldn't we, like, collect passwords and stuff required firs-

The computer unlocks.

Gwen: How... In the actual hell...

Y/N smirks as he starts to search for footage from the collider.

Y/N: There it is.

He plays the video, as we see the collider working and soon, exploding, but in the fraction of a second, Y/N caught it. It was a single frame, an average human couldn't have caught it no matter how much they tried.

Y/N: Okay...

He closes his eyes, trying to focus.

Y/N: Got it.

He scribbles something on a paper, as he then pockets it.

Y/N: Let's go before we get caught and cause unwanted attention.

Gwen: I feel like I'm not even doing anything here.

Y/N: You are helping.

Gwen: How?

Y/N: By... Uhh... Being on the lookout?  You're doing the most important bit of this.

Gwen: Yeah, right.

The two then get out and start to head to the cafeteria, when suddenly, the wall besides them shatters, with a tentacle thingy coming out of it, and another kid, wearing a Spiderman fan costume and carrying a CPU and a monitor runs past them.

The two fall on their butts as they see the boy run past them.

Gwen: Suit up?

Y/N: Yepp.

The two start to run, as Y/N takes his mask out and puts it on, and Gwen does so too.

Y/N goes to remove his shirt, when he abruptly stops.

Gwen: What's wrong?

Y/N: You got a bag?

Gwen: A... A bag?

Y/N: Yeah, I don't wanna lose these clothes.

Gwen groans as she looks around before pulling a table cloth, dropping everything on it, as she hands Y/N the cloth.

Gwen: There we are.

Y/N: *deadpan* Wow. So smart.

He puts his clothes in the, well, cloth, and wraps it around his neck.

Gwen: You sure doing that is fine?

Y/N: Yeah. I think so.

Gwen: *putting her hoodie on* Alright, let's go.

She starts to run.

Y/N: *running* How did that even fit under your clothes?

Gwen jumps out of a window, followed by Y/N as they start to swing when they see... Another spider... Men...?

Well, a Spiderman and a spider... Boy.

Following them were some guards, and a lady, probably this universe's Doc Ock.

Spiders Are Arachnids! (A Male Reader X Spiderverse Series Fanfic) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now