Chapter 1.10

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Y/N falls on the ground, grunting, as he rolls to turn his face.

Kingpin: So, you seem to be doing pretty nicely down there.

Y/N: Well... You almost make me think if it's only your hands that are so soft.

Kingpin stops for a while, actually thinking about what the boy meant before it hit him as he grit his teeth and kicked Y/N once again.

He suddenly stops.

Y/N: What's wrong? Tired?

Kingpin: You seem a bit too cocky, don't you?

Y/N: Heh, I can do this all day.

Kingpin: I know you can. I know that no matter how much I beat you up, you'll keep getting back up, because you're "The Spiderman"! The guy who keeps getting back up! But you know who isn't that guy?

Y/N: *a bit wary now* What do you mean?

Kingpin: Even with your attempt to have the young boy escape, it was worthless. I know where that Morales boy is. And I've sent Prowler and the rest after him. It's morning right now, so I guess he must be chasing Morales right now.

Y/N: Wait... You knew...? This whole time?

Kingpin: Of course I did. Who do you think I am? Some Tuesday villain who can't even begin to compare to you spiders? I can get my workers to blow up that shithole that kid calls home right now as we speak. But let's do it a bit differently.

Y/N: What are you planning...?

Kingpin smirks as he grabs Y/N and starts to drag him and throws him in the back seat of the car.

Kingpin: What would a villain do if he comes to know that one of his boss' enemies is his own nephew he so dearly loves?

Y/N: You wouldn't dare!

Kingpin: *smirking* I will.

He closes the door as the tinted glass puts the huge man in a dark light.

Kingpin: *serious* And I am.

He sits in a limousine as they start to go somewhere.

Y/N: Kingpin! Stop! He's a kid!

The driver stays silent as he keeps driving. Y/N tries to get free of the binds, but couldn't.

Y/N: These damn-

Kingpin: Two birds.

He takes a gun in his hand.

Kingpin: One bullet.


We see Miles running away from Prowler, in a wrecked room, as Miles tries to block by putting a table in front of him.

Prowler: Don't be stupid, kid. Give it to me now.

Prowler tries to reach out to grab the override key, but Miles flips the table on him. Literally.

He then starts to run with the Prowler loosely following.

Miles runs up the stairs, but Prowler grabs hold of his leg. Miles manages to kick it away and tries to escape through the rooftop, but the Prowler comes bursting through the ceiling like a badass.

He dashes at Miles as he grabs him by his neck and pulls him up in the air, with his feet in the air and Prowler on the edge of the rooftop.

Prowler: Nowhere left to run.

Kingpin's vehicles come up as Y/N sees what was going on as he tries to break the ropes once again, but he couldn't.

The Prowler activates his claws as Miles in his panic and as a last resort, removes his mask.

Kingpin's voice comes over the radio on Y/N's car.

Kingpin: People. So easy to use.

Prowler: Miles...?

Miles: *weakly* Uncle Aaron...

Prowler takes his mask off.

Aaron: Oh no, no, no, no.

Miles: Please, Uncle Aaron.

Miles finds himself able to put his feet on the rooftop.

Y/N was now kicking the window, cracking the bulletproof glass with each hit.

Kingpin: Prowler. What are you waiting for? Finish it.

Y/N: Stop!

Aaron lets go of Miles before pulling Miles' mask back down as he puts his hands up. Denying to strike his nephew.

Kingpin: *grinning* So easy.

He takes the gun.

The sound of a gunshot echoes in the area, as Aaron falls back, with Kingpin's gun smoking

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The sound of a gunshot echoes in the area, as Aaron falls back, with Kingpin's gun smoking.

Y/N: You bastard!

He jumps up and manages to free his legs, as he kicks the huge man, barely shaking him, but then starts to hit Kingpin with a combo of kicks, before he gets webbed away by Peter.

Y/N: Let go of me!

Peter puts Y/N on his back as he jumps and swings away.

Tears fall out of his eyes, as he is rescued from Kingpin.


Arachnida was fighting his world's Kingpin as the villain shoots a bullet and it hits Sam in the left lung, while Y/N could do nothing but watch, helpless.

-flashback end-

Y/N: ...


We see the spider-people, except Miles, land on a rooftop. Peni quickly runs to Y/N and Sp//Dr cuts the bindings on Y/N's hands.

Peni quickly checks for any injuries or so and upon seeing none, she tightly hugs the boy.

Peni: You scared me, you idiot!

Y/N slowly pats Peni's head as he looks back at the others.

Y/N: We need to find Miles. He's going through the loss of a close one. Everyone here knows what that feels like, don't they?

The group remains silent.

Peter: I've made up my mind. I'll stay back while you all escape to your own dimensions.

Y/N: What do you mean by that?

Peter: It's just like you said. All of you have people who love you and care about you. But in my case, I don't have MJ, I don't have May, and I'm not exactly the most physically fit guy. The one with the least amount of reasons to go back, is me. Miles isn't ready yet. And you know it.

Y/N: He's right. About Miles, at the very least. I'm gonna go check up on that kid. Anyone wanna tag along?

Spider-people: Yeah.

Y/N: Alright then.

He puts his mask on.

Arachnida: Let's get this over with.

A/N: Chapter 1.10...? Done.

Wait, 1.10 would just be 1.1 tho... Damn... Why didn't I think of this earlier?

I'm domb, lol.

Anyways, hope you guys liked it,

Till the next time,


Spiders Are Arachnids! (A Male Reader X Spiderverse Series Fanfic) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now