Chapter 1.8

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We see a bus inside which, the four Spider-people were travelling.

Gwen: We are gonna need an override key in order to restart the collider.

Miles: Ooh, I got that.

Y/N looks at the boy now known as Miles Morales.

He shows Gwen the key, but it was broken.

Y/N: Show me that for a second.

Gwen hands the USB to Y/N as he looks at the processor, completely ruined.

Y/N: How did this even happen?

Miles: Oh, uhh...

He whispers into Y/N's ear.

Miles: Peter broke it.

Y/N: Really now?

Miles: Yeah, he's actually very embarrassed about this, so let's keep this between us for now.

Y/N raises an eyebrow and looks over at Peter, who was lying on the backseat of the bus, smirking.

Y/N: Well, I can remake this if I can get the required data, which I believe is on the computer?

Miles: Yeah.

Y/N: I see. Well, I know of a place where I can fix it. And this time, I'll keep it so to make sure it doesn't get broken.

Miles chuckles as he looks down nervously.

Miles: I'm sorry about your friend and your brother.

Y/N: It's okay. And to be fair, I know how hard it is to figure things out on your own. Before Peter took me in. My Peter. I was all on my own, well, me and Sam were all on our own.

Gwen: It must be nice, being not the only spider-person around.

Y/N: It kinda is.

Miles: Hey, if you decide to do friends again someday, I could always open up a slot.

Gwen: I'll... Keep you posted.

We see Y/N staring at his phone.

No signal.

He sighs as he puts his phone back in.

Y/N: Peter. You might wanna prepare yourself to go where we plan to.

Peter: *getting up* What do you mean?

Y/N: You'll see for yourself.


We see the four standing somewhere, as Y/N goes and rings the doorbell.

Peter: *walking away* This is a bad idea.

Y/N grabs the man with his web as the door opens up.

May: You're back.

She looks at the three people behind Y/N.

May: Peter...?

Y/N: Aunt May, you see, he's-

May: From an alternate dimension.

Y/N: Yeah.

May: You look tired, Peter.

Peter: Yeah, I am tired.

May: And older. And thicker.

Peter: Yeah, I've heard that already.

May: And jeez, are those sweatpants?

Y/N: Yep.

Miles: I was there. When it all happened. I'm so sorry.

May: And what dimension are you from?

Spiders Are Arachnids! (A Male Reader X Spiderverse Series Fanfic) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now