Chapter 2.1

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We see the side of a building as someone is thrown out of the window, and they crash on the ground.

We see that it was Norman Osborn, as he crawls away, scared shitless.

Norman: Please! Don't do this!

Someone jumps from the building and lands in front of Norman.

???: Why should I?

Norman: Please! I swear! I didn't do it! I was under its control! You know how it works! Please! You have to listen to me! You have to-

He is kicked in the face, then the person grabs Norman by his face and picks him up by his neck.

Norman: No... You... You're supposed to be a good guy...! You're a hero!!

???: If you really gave a shit about good and bad, you wouldn't have taken them now, would you?

Norman: Please, just listen to me...! Please, Y/N...! Let me explain...!

The light shines upon the other person's face as we see it was Y/N. His hair was longer and he had an uneven and unkempt beard.

Norman: Please! You saw what it did to Cletus! I-I didn't wish to do anything!

Y/N: *unfazed* Say your last words, you murderer.

Norman looks at the man in front of him in horror.

Norman: It wasn't meant to be like this...! This is not... What... What have I done...?

-6 months earlier-

We see a portal open up as Y/N comes out of it, his mask off of his face and his eyes closed as he stretches his arms.

Y/N: Man this was a nice adventure. I wonder if there actually is some way to travel between dimensions. I gotta say, I'm kinda excited to see how Peter would react to all this.

He feels like he stepped on something.

Y/N: *looking down* Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to step on yo-

A hand... The rest of the body was buried under a huge piece of debris.

Y/N looks ahead as we see what stood before him.


Bodies lying everywhere, completely destroyed buildings, and yet, not a single voice was audible.

An eerie silence filled the air, with the smell of rotting flesh and blood mixed with it.

Y/N: What the fuck...?

He quickly takes his phone out and turns it on.

The moment it turns on and gets a signal, the phone bursts with notifications.


Missed calls.

News articles.


Social media posts.

All kinds of notifications.

He starts to go through them all.

Voicemail: Pete. 2 months ago.

Peter: Y/N. It's Peter. Look, young man. I understand you're 19, but that doesn't mean you can just leave the house for hours with no message or calls. Neither three of us can reach you. Look, if it's a girl, just tell me, okay? I swear I won't embarrass you or anything at all, kay? I want you back at home in an hour now.

Voicemail: Peter. 2 months ago.

Peter: Y/N, just where are you? It's been days since you've left, are you, are you angry with me? Did anyone say anything or do anything to you? We haven't heard anything from you. May's getting worried, you know? Look, wherever you are, come back home now. I'm serious right now. Love you.

Spiders Are Arachnids! (A Male Reader X Spiderverse Series Fanfic) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now