Chapter 2.11

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We see Miles, Y/N and Gwen swinging in the city, as they jump down a building.

Miles: Wait, wait, wait. So you're saying there's an elite society with all the best Spider-People in it?

Y/N: Sure is.

Gwen: *swinging* Okay, so there's this lady, Jess Drew.

Miles: Uh-huh?

Gwen: She rides a motorcycle.

Miles: Motorcycle?

Y/N: Pregnant.

Miles: For real? Damn!

Y/N: I know, right?

Gwen: Oh, my gosh, I'm learning so much from her.

Miles: Oh, yeah. I've learned a lot of stuff too. What about you, Y/N? Anything new happen ever since you went back?

Y/N: Uhh... Hey, look at Gwen go!

Gwen starts to swing while hanging by a web thread with her foot.

Miles: I can do that too!

Gwen: Oh, yeah?

Miles: Yeah.

Gwen: Let's see it, then.

Miles: Let's go.

The three see two trucks going side by side with a small gap in between them.

Gwen: Thread the needle.

The three swing and go from between the two trucks swiftly.

They swing away again, as Gwen barely swings past a truck on a crossroad. Miles is taken by surprise with the sudden appearance of the truck, but Y/N webs him up, evading the truck.

Miles: I had it.

Y/N: Yeah, you're welcome.

They start to swing again.

Gwen: And Miguel. The whole thing was his idea.

Miles: Right. And who's Miguel?

Y/N: Oh, he's like a ninja-vampire-Spider-Man, but a good guy.

She smacks a water tank as she swings away.

Miles: A vampire-good guy. I'd pay good money to see that.

He smacks it as well.

Y/N: ... Damnit.

He swings back, just to smack the water tank. He catches up with the two as they continue swinging under a rail line.

Miles: So how long ago did they invite you?

Gwen: Only like a few months ago.

Miles: "Months" is kind of a long time.

Gwen: Okay, this one counts for two. Y/N's been there for far longer.

Miles: Really?

The three keep swinging away as Gwen looks back at Miles.

Gwen: Look at you.

Miles: ...Look at me.

They swing by a hotdog stall, as Gwen grabs a hotdog while swinging and so does Y/N, as Miles grabs a third one and webs money on the vendor's chest and swings away.

Miles: Keep the change.

He swings up to the duo.

Miles: So this club.

Gwen: Look at that dum-dum.

Miles looks down and sees a sketchy man as he grabs a purse and tries to run away.

Spiders Are Arachnids! (A Male Reader X Spiderverse Series Fanfic) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now