Chapter 2.17

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They all go to HQ, as Y/N's Gizmo goes off, as he sees Peni calling him.

Y/N: You guys go ahead, I'll be right with you.

He goes away.


A while later, we see Miles in the HQ, with Miguel standing in front of him, as Y/N walks in, with Peni inside Sp//Dr, walking beside him.

Miles: Wait, what are you upset about? I saved those people.

Miguel: And that's the problem.

He keeps staring at Miles.

Miguel: LYLA, do the thing.

LYLA: Huh? What thing?

Miguel: What do you mean, "What thing?" The information-explainy thing.

LYLA: Okay.

Everything goes black as a small grain sized light comes down to their height.

Miles: What's this?

Miguel: This is everything.

The light comes down to the ground and a tree sprouts out.

Miles: Can you be more specific?

Miguel: Can you not talk...? For a second?

Miles: Yeah, yeah, I...

The three then turns into a huge spider-web of sorts.

Miguel: And this here? This is all of us.

Y/N walks up to Miles.

Miguel: All of our lives woven together in a beautiful web of life and destiny.

Miles: The Spider-Verse...

Miguel: Spider-Verse. That's stupid.It's called the Arachnohumanoid Polymultiverse.☝🏻🤓

Miguel: Which sounds stupid too, I guess.

Miles: And these nodes where the lines converge?

Miguel: They are the canon. Chapters that are a part of every Spider's story every time.

Miguel: Some good. Some bad.

He pulls something down as a hologram of Y/N crying beside May's hand sticking out of the debris plays in front of Miles.

Miguel: Some very bad.

Miles looks at Y/N, as the boy simply looks away, not wishing to relive the horror.

Miles: That happened to you...?

Then, his world's Peter holding uncle Ben's hand and crying. Multiple Spidermen, multiple uncle Ben deaths.

Miles holding Aaron's hand.

Aaron: *hologram* Just keep going.

Miles: Uncle Aaron.

Miguel walks behind Miles.

Miguel: This one, Event ASM-90. A police captain close to Spider-Man dies, saving a kid from falling rubble during a battle with an archnemesis.

Hologram Spiderman: Captain Stacy. I'm so sorry.

Miles looks at another hologram of Peter B Parker holding his Ben's hand.

Miles: You too...?

Jessica: And me.

Miles looks at Hobie.

Hobie: Ey. What of it?

Miguel: That's how the story is supposed to go. Canon events are the connections that bind our lives together. But those connections can be broken. That's why anomalies are so dangerous.

Spiders Are Arachnids! (A Male Reader X Spiderverse Series Fanfic) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now