Chapter 1.13

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We see Kingpin walking, as the guards open the doors to a room and he enters as Y/N and Noir pull the guards up and web their mouths.

Noir: *chokeholding the guard* Sleep...

They get down as Y/N swipes the card and the door opens to Kingpin's suite.

They enter and kick the elevator door down as they then jump down it, landing on the elevator roof.

They enter the collider room as the intercoms go off.

Intercoms: Initiating sequence in five. Four. Three. Two. One.

The collider starts up.

Peter glitches, but not badly.

Gwen: Peter. You don't have to stay. I can do it.

Peter: No, it's okay. I've made up my mind.

He swings up to the roof, followed by the others, as he starts to speak.

Peter: I'll put the goober in and take over the beam! After you're gone! I'll blow it up!

Y/N: Peter wait!

The man stops, as Y/N gives Peter another key.

Peter: What's this?

Y/N: I modified the override- oh, for Christ's sake. I modified the goober, such that after pressing the green button, a countdown will start.

Peter: Huh?

Y/N: You're going home.

Peter: What do you mean?

Y/N: After creating the gateway to your dimension, press the green button. That will give you a 5 second window to enter the gate!

Peter: You're telling me this NOW?!

Y/N: Sorry. Tried to tell you after you talked to MJ, but you were in your own world about bread and MJ.

Peter: *sigh* Alright. Be ready to go home, everyone.

He crawls up to the control panel and opens the plating.

Suddenly, everyone's spidey-sense goes off.

Y/N: Oh, for the love of God...

Peter looks around, when Liv's tentacles grab Peter's arms.

The tentacles then slam Peter away from the panel, as Liv comes in.

Liv: Nice to see you again, Peter.

Y/N: You never learn, do you? This time, the odds aren't even in your favour!

???: No estaría tan seguro de eso, Spider.

Y/N: Oh, so the species traitor is here too.

The spider-people start getting shot at as Y/N starts to fight Scorpion.

Y/N: Just admit you were wrong, man! Then it wouldn't be so personal!

Scorpion attacks Y/N as the latter easily dodges it.

Y/N: I'll take that as a no then.

He starts to punch Scorpion as he elbows the villain's bald head.

Y/N: Say it! Say you're sorry!

He kicks Scorpion in the guts then roundhouse kicks him in the face.

With Liv and Peter, Peter tries to put the goober in, but couldn't.

Peter: *struggling* Why is it always so difficult?

Liv wraps Peter in her tentacles... Pause.

Liv: Any last words, Peter?

Spiders Are Arachnids! (A Male Reader X Spiderverse Series Fanfic) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now