Chapter 2.13

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Once done with the tea and all, Y/N was sitting on the couch, when his Gizmo goes off.

LYLA: Alpha Squad! Zero Red Spider Alert!

Y/N: Crap, I gotta go.

May: Already?

Y/N: Yeah. Thanks May, MJ, and you too, Cooper.

Cooper barks.

Y/N: For everything.

He goes to the window to jump out, when May starts to speak.

May: Are you too much of a superhero to give your old woman a final goodbye hu-

Y/N instantly hugs May, as May smiles and wraps her arms around the boy.

May: You're gonna do great. You always have. I believe in you.

MJ: Me too.

Cooper: Woof!

The three hug each other, as Cooper snuggles against Y/N's leg.

Y/N lets go as he wipes a stray tear from his eyes.

Y/N: I'll be going now. I'll come visit if I get any chance. I promise.

May: *smiling* Got it. Now go be a hero, Arachnida.

Y/N smiles as he puts his mask on and jumps out of the window, swinging away.


Gwen: You know what you've done?!

Y/N: I know! I know! But we can work it out!

We see the two Spiders swinging away as they reach the spot.



Y/N sees the current situation as the building was surrounded by cop cars and cops.

Y/N: We can... Still work it out...

Gwen sighs as she webs the gear of a car to reverse it, distracting the cops as the two go at the sight.

They get inside and see everything out of place.

Gwen: Shoot.

Y/N: Uhh... Crap.

The Gizmo starts to scan the area.

Gwen: Show me what happened.

The Gizmo starts a replay.

LYLA: Replay commencing.

Holograms start to come up, as we see The Spot walking around with a bunch of stuff in his hands.

Spot: Spots. That's the thing. I need more spots!

Spot: Ha! Oh, my gosh. It was right under where my nose would've been.

He sets everything up.

Spot: I just need a little bit more dimensional juice or whatever.

Gwen: Shoot.

Y/N: Crap.

The replay continues.

Spot: Never came up with a good name. Branding was never my strong suit.

He continues setting things up, connecting wires and whatnot.

Spot: The city power line to my micro collider prototype, could generate a little more concentrated dark energy.

Y/N: Hold on, "MY" collider prototype?

Spot: This is what I love about science!

Gwen: Shoot!

Spiders Are Arachnids! (A Male Reader X Spiderverse Series Fanfic) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now