Chapter 2.7

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The next day, we see Y/N walking in the hallways with a plate of food in his hands as he goes to sit down at a table, when he notices someone walk past him.

A girl, short black hair, by what one could assume from her physique, NOT OLDER THAN 15!

Y/N: Is that...?

He decides to call out to the girl.


We see a girl wake up in her bed as she gets off and a red spider themed robot walks up to her.

???: Morning, Sp//Dr...

She then gets dressed and walks out of the room, as she makes her way to the cafeteria, not interacting with anyone, even if they wished her good morning or said hi.

She entered the cafeteria as she went to the counter, when she heard a voice call out to her.

Y/N: Peni...?

Peni freezes at hearing this voice.

Y/N puts his plate down on a table and walks closer to the girl, who still had her back turned to him.

Y/N: It is you, isn't it? It's me. Y/N.

Peni starts to turn around.

Y/N: Look at how you've grow-

He sees her face.

The smile she almost had plastered on her face, nowhere to be seen.

Instead, a dull and blank expression rested upon her face.

Y/N: Peni...?

Peni: Y/N...

She turns around again, as Y/N walks up to her.

Y/N: Wha-What happened to you?

She says nothing as she takes her food and starts to walk away.

Y/N: Peni, what happe-

He feels someone put a hand on his shoulder. It was Pavitra.

Pavitra: Might wanna give up trying to get through to her, bro... She has been like this the whole time ever since she came here. She hasn't spoken to anyone. Trying to get her to talk will be a fool's errand.


Peni starts to sniffle as Y/N stands up with the little bean in his lap.

He softly pats Peni's back as he lets her hug him for as long as she wants.

Y/N: Peni, it's okay. You'll be great on your own. You've been great till now, haven't you? You're your earth's savior. You're strong, okay? And it's okay for strong girls to cry too. So don't try to hold it back.

-Flashback end-

Y/N: I... I'll be back. I need to see Miguel.

Pavitra: Okay, man... You okay?

Y/N says nothing as he starts to walk towards Miguel's HQ.

On the door to the room, he sees Jessica.

Jessica: Oh, hey there. How you doing?

Y/N: Is Miguel in there?

Jessica: Mmm hmm.

Y/N: Okay.

He walks up to the door and opens it.

Jessica: He might be busy right now.

He walks in nonetheless.

He sees that Miguel hadn't noticed him entering, and was standing up in the air on a platform as the man takes a syringe and injects some sort of serum in his body with it.

Spiders Are Arachnids! (A Male Reader X Spiderverse Series Fanfic) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now