Meet the OCs

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creator: ImmortalGuy69

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creator: ImmortalGuy69

name: Natalie Wayne

age: 25 

gender: female 

pronouns: she/her 

hero/villian: none, no alias 

love interest: Jonathan Crane

 family life: She is the younger sister of Bruce Wayne. She loves him and Alfred very much. 

pets: loves animals, sadly no animals at the manor. 

occupation: recently graduated psychiatrist who works at Arkham. 

personality: unlike her brother, she enjoys simple and quiet things, typically showing her true colours most times. she's very sweet and friendly. She would do anything to help others. She is intelligent and graduated as one of the top students at her university. though she had problems opening up about her own traumas, she chose the career to do good. She has a dry, dark sense of humour. She tries her best to work through issues with vulnerability, but it's not easy for her to completely trust people. Like Crane, she is interested in studying fear as it is something that has consumed her for a while. She often feels the need to prove herself to people. She does not know who Batman is because Lucius always manages to distract her from any aspect of that. 

likes: simple gestures, her family, playing with strays, music, books, the color black, horror movies, batman 

dislikes: being ditched or ignored, guns, being alone at night.  

fears: the dark and abandonment 

appearance: She's about 5'3, average build. Her long, black hair was normally styled in loose Hollywood curls. Her fingers normally kept long, black nails on the ends of them. She had brown eyes and definitely looked like a Wayne. Her skin was soft and pale. She always made sure she looked presentable.

back story: Natalie was just 3 when she and Bruce watched their parents die. It's something that they both struggled with deeply. from a young age, she always liked weird things. from collecting specimens found in wells to mixing chemical components together, she was always up to something. She remained close with Bruce and Alfred, though Bruce was in and out. She devoted most of her time to studying fear in psychology. Having just recently graduated along with her brother being home, she finds a job under the head of Arkham. 


creator: Satan Bane

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creator: Satan Bane

Name: Alexandria (Alex) Kyle 

age: 25 

gender: female 

pronouns: she/her 

hero/villain: leans more towards the dark side but no alias 

love interest(s): Oswald Cobblepot & occasionally Jonathan Crane 

family life: She is the older sister of Selena Kyle. She dislikes her sister for being a petty thief (Selena takes after their parents) 

pets: none, but she loves animals 

occupation: Herpetologist and conservationist who works at Gotham Zoo 

personality: ambivert, she prefers to live lavishly (but relies on her relationships to do so because that's not happening on a zookeeper's salary), has an extreme dislike of people, only interacting with them when she needs to, and is very fake most of the time. She has a disturbing sense of humour and is very smart. She prefers to hold grudges but forget about her trauma, thinking it makes her weak. She'll only ever act vulnerable to those she loves, which is just her unemployed bestie Harleen Quinzel, occasionally her ex-bf Oswald cobblepot, and Jonathan Crane. While she never studied fear, she loves reading Jonathan Crane's books and research papers on the matter.

likes: dark colours, horror and comedy movies, cartoons, lavish things, Harleen, music, Jonathan Crane and his works, animals, her job, the people at her job, watching violence 

dislikes: people, however, she also dislikes being alone, often finding herself at Harleen's apartment after work instead of her own.

fears: being forgotten, being abandoned by the few people she loves, looking ugly

appearance: 5'6', skinny. Long, straight brunette hair and brown eyes. She looks very similar to Selena. Takes pride in her appearance, so she uses lots of products to make her hair look full and her skin glow

Backstory: Alex met Oswald Cobblepot at her part-time job as a singer at clubs when she was still living with her parents. She took on multiple jobs so she could pay for college, however when Oz fell in love with her he paid for her. They dated for just about two years, Alex getting an education while Oz built up power in Gotham's underworld. However, one day, Alex gets a call from Selena telling her to rush home immediately, so she does only to find that Oswald has killed her parents. Oswald says it was because he had to make an example out of them because they had stolen from him. Alex broke up with him because of that, although she still had some feelings for him (though she developed trust issues as well). He thought he was doing her a favour because she never liked her parents. Selena tried to get Alex to help her kill Oswald, but Alex couldn't do it, which ended up creating a rift between the sisters. Now, her only consolation was her best friend Harleen. While Selena followed in her parent's footsteps as petty thieves, Alex decided not to, getting a job at Arkham Zoo and swearing off relationships, even though her ex was always at the back of her mind. When she needed a distraction, she took up reading about fear as it was something that always interested her, and that's how she discovered Jonathan Crane.

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