Part 4

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*Oz peered out of the window as the goon drove down the street. He anxiously looked around for any sign of you.* "WHY?! Was she at Arkham Asylum?" *He yelled, emphasizing the first word. The goon gulped silently as his grip on the steering wheel tightened.* "I don't know, Sir, but I assure you she wasn't a patient-" "You have to be insane to end up in Arkham; I KNOW she wasn't a patient." *Oswald knew he was being overkill, but something in him couldn't help it. He needed to be there to protect Alex.* "Boss!" *The thug shouted, directing his attention to a brunette and blond. His heart quickened and he smiled widely.* "Pull over; don't let her see. Especially don't let her clown of a friend see." *


*As they observed emotions, she made a mental note to try to keep her feelings down. He seemed to sense any emotion simply from watching the person. Natalie did not smile, she remained casual as she watched him leave the lobby. Terrible day to be a nepo baby who got dropped off by her butler; now she had to walk to the restaurant. "Shit.." *She mumbled under her breath as she gathered her things and made her way to the place she passed earlier. She was just glad it at least wasn't raining. As she sat waiting for him, she thought to herself. Doctor Crane had an aura about him that seemingly drew in people considered strange. She looked over his business card as she sat.*


Alex groaned when they made it outside. *"Harleeeeeeen! Why, why, why do you have to act insane all the time? They probably thought you were one of the patients."* Harleen looked down at the pavement and played with her hands. *"I'm sorry. I can't help it sometimes."* Alex leaned against the wall and dragged her hand down her face, sliding down the wall to the ground and hugging her knees to her chest. *"No, I'm sorry. It's great that you got the job, Harls, I'm so proud of you."* Her phone buzzed again, and this time, she looked at it. It was one of her coworkers from the zoo calling her. She answered and didn't even get to greet him before he started to freak out to her. *"Dr. Kyle you NEED to get down here! One of the Eyelash Vipers laid a clutch last night but she still has an egg stuck inside of her that's not coming out. Dr Simian is in surgery right now and can't come help PLEASE,"* *"Relax, Dave, I'm coming. I'll be there in 10. For now, sedate the viper so I can begin working on her right when get there."* she said and hung up. Sue stood and sighed. *"On my day off, too... hey, do you mind hanging out at the zoo while I operate on a Pit Viper?"* Harleen grinned. *"Can I pet the hyenas?"* This made Alex chuckle. *"That's not my department, Harls. And even if it was, the hyenas don't even let the keepers touch them."* Harleen wrapped her arm around Alex's shoulder as they walked to Alex's Jeep. *"I don't know, they seem to like me..."*


Before Jonathan left for the Italian place, he made sure to spritz himself with some cologne and straightened his clothes. He was surprised at himself. Ms. Wayne was very bright, it wasn't what he expected from the sister of a billionaire playboy. Plus she had beautiful soft features and an attractive attitude that was very alluring. *"Stop it, she's going to work for you."* He told himself as he clocked out and walked to his car. On his way, he noticed a rather expensive-looking car that wasn't his Rolls Royce parked in a shady area of the lot. A scary-looking man was driving it, and a very familiar-looking man in the back. Jonathan couldn't place where he'd seen him before. The men appeared to be watching something. John followed his gaze. Not something, someone. He saw Ms. Kyle starting up her Jeep a few spots down from him, and the men were watching her do so intently. Jonathan thought to say something but decided he didn't want to be late to meet Ms. Wayne. So, he got in his Rolls Royce and quickly drove away, deciding if anything happened and he didn't see it, that wasn't his problem. He arrived at the Italian place and found Natalie sitting at a corner table.*

The Psychiatrist-The Billionaire-The Crime Lord-The Insecure (A DC Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now