Part 7

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*As he watched her frantically running to the parking lot, he smiled and gathered her gifts. Two stuffed animals, an upscale box of chocolates, some diamond earrings, and a golden bracelet. He stepped out of the car to greet her.* "Alex! Long time, no see, my love." *He stated swiftly, trying not to alarm her.* "I've missed you! Look, I know things ended roughly last time..." *He tried to start reasoning. The look of worry over her face made him frown, he never wanted her to worry or be upset with him. "I'm sorry, I only wanted what I thought would help you." *He admitted sheepishly, still holding all of her gifts.*


*She perked up at this. Working with him and learning at the same time; definitely a win-win in her book.* "That seems lovely!" *She smiled. Her mind raced with thoughts of experimentation.* "I'm perfectly fine with that, Sir!" *She watched as the waiter came up with some refreshments.*


*Alex stared at Oswald with his slew of gifts for her. She had to admit that he knew what she liked. But it wasn't enough.*"How dare you say you love me!"* She yelled. Oswald approached her slowly, as if she were a scared animal, not wishing to scare her away. *"Did you get the flowers I-"* But Alex stopped him. *"Of course I did! Why do you think I ran? You are STALKING me! That's creepy as hell! Get the message, Oswald, if I have avoided you for a whole year, what makes you think I want you now? You're insane!"* Oswald visibly cringed at her accusation, but Alex didn't care. She suddenly heard rushed footfalls from behind her, and Harleen appeared next to her, having been looking for her. The minute Harleen noticed Oswald, his hands full of lavish things, her face soured. *"You? What the hell are you doing talking to Alex?"* Oswald tried to speak, but Harleen wouldn't let him. *"No, no, let me give you a piece of my mind!"* Alex hid behind her friend as she chewed Oswald out.*


*"Please, please, just Jonathan is fine. There is no need to call me sir, that really ages me,"* Jonathan told Natalie, making her chuckle. They made light conversation about their personal lives as they took their order and brought their food. Jonathan noticed that for as much as she spoke of her older brother Bruce, she spoke of their butler, Alfred, in just as high regard. She also told him about how she loved caring for stray animals and helping those in need. Jonathan realized that Natalie's personality was just as pleasant as her looks, which was rare in Gotham. Jonathan spoke mostly of his experiments, as that was most of his life. He told her how he was always too busy for anything else. After he fought with Natalie over who was paying the check (a fight that she ultimately won, paying for their food), he stood. *"Do you need a ride home?"* He asked her, recalling her telling him that Alfred had driven her to Arkham that morning.*

The Psychiatrist-The Billionaire-The Crime Lord-The Insecure (A DC Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now