Part 40

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*"I don't know, Boss, I lost him!" *The goon explained over the phone. The penguin sucked in air through his teeth sharply.* "Well, did he look like a DOCTOR AT ARKHAM??" *He quizzed the fumbling worker.* "I-I don't know! I'm gonna keep looking, Boss! I'm sure I can find him again." *Oz hung up the phone. He could see Alex's phone number in his recently dialled. His thumb lingered over the button but decided it was best not to disturb her at the moment. Not yet at least.* "Why can't my henchmen do their jobs?!?" *He complained loudly to himself.*


*Natalie woke up to the sound of her phone buzzing. She looked and checked the caller ID, contemplating if she should even answer.* "Hello?" *Her sleepy voice begrudgingly spoke up.* "Oh, I didn't mean to wake up you from your sleep." *Alex sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck with her other hand.* "You're fine. Did you need something?" *She seemed a bit distanced, but that was to be expected, she supposed. "Uh... No... I guess I just wanted to say.... Sorry.." *She mumbled the last part too quietly for Natalie to hear.* "Look, I'mnot in the mood to be ridiculed anymore today, so if that's wh-" *Alex cut her off.* "I'm sorry, Natalie. You're right! My life is shitty right now and I'm not acting decently! I just wanted to..." *She paused and took a deep breath as Harley gave her an encouraging look.* "Wanted to say sorry and thanks... For the help." *Natalie grinned in her bed. She let out a giggle, having one less tense relationship felt like a weight lifted off of her.* "I really appreciate that, Alex, thank you. All water under the bridge." *Alex smiled softly at Harley in the apartment. Suddenly the doorbell rang.* "Hey, I meant what I said, but someone's at the door. I have to go." *After the ringing continued, she groaned and slipped into her slippers.* "Is no one going to get the door?!" *She muttered bitterly as she made her way down the stairs. 'Gone to the store, be back soon -A'. Read a note on the table.* "Guess he's getting dinner..." *She opened the door to be greeted by her boss. She wasn't expecting company so she was in her black pyjama set, which included shorts and a tank top. She could feel her cheeks heat up even more.* "Um, hello?" *She asked, slightly hiding behind the door. Jonathan's eyes narrowed as he took in her appearance. Fancy pyjama set, messy hair, flushed cheeks.* "Do you have someone over?" *Natalie's face contorted in confusion.* "What? No! Can I help you, Jonathan?"*


*When Natalie hung up, Alex threw Harleen's phone on the couch and resumed her stormy appearance. *"See! Didn't that feel good?"* Harleen asked as Alex stood slowly to get her TV remote. *"No."* Alex grumbled, using the wall to help her kneel and collect the batteries and her TV remote. *"Let me help,"* Harleen offered, but Alex shook her head. *"No! I can do it!"* Alex put the TV remote together on the floor, but when she tried to stand back up, she put too much weight on her bed leg, causing her to lose her balance and fall. She sprawled out on the floor, dropping the TV remote and causing the batteries to fall out again. A frustrated tear ran down her cheek as Harleen helped her up. *"Oh, Alex."* When Alex was upright again, she pushed Harleen away. *"I can walk, I can do it!"* She said, limping toward her room. *"Where are you going?"& Harleen asked. *"I just... want to be alone."* Alex answered, closing her door after Lucifer padded in behind her. As Alex sat on her bed, Lucifer climbed up the comforter to get to her. He purred, climbing into Alex's lap and snuggling up against her. Alex sighed, Lucifer's comfort reminding her of memories with Oswald- memories that seemed like a lifetime ago. She took out her phone and gazed at Oswald's name in her contacts. She thought back to whenever she lost an animal that was under her care at the zoo. While it was hard for all of the reptile staff, it always hit Alex the hardest. Oswald knew exactly what to do when Alex called him, crying, on her way home. He'd make her a hot dog and some mashed potatoes, and for dessert, he'd have one if his goons go out and get a caramel milkshake. He'd set it up nicely beside the bed, along with a stuffed animal for her to cuddle. Then he'd put a horror movie on the TV for her as well as layout PJs on the bed so when she got home she could get changed and go right to bed. Alex remembered she would come home and Oswald would greet her with a huge hug and a kiss on her cheek. He'd take her hand and lead her to the bedroom. She'd change and lay down in bed with her food while Oz sat next to her. And when she was finished with her food, she curled up with her stuffed animal while snuggling into Oswald's chest; and sometimes he would let her lay there, or he would massage her shoulders or brush her hair instead. As Alex closed her eyes, remembering, she could almost feel Oswald's gentle touch on her shoulders. But then, a flash of Oz from her hallucination struck her mind. She gasped, terror racking through her body for a split second. But when she saw that she was alone, she relaxed. *"I need to stop thinking about him."* She told Lucifer, putting her phone away.*


*He was surprised when Natalie opened the door in her pyjamas with messy hair and flushed cheeks. At first, he thought it was cute, smirking at her somewhat dishevelled appearance. But then he realized that it's not normal for people to look like this in the middle of the day, so he narrowed his eyes suspiciously. *"Do you... have someone over?"* He asked. Natalie looked confused until she realized what he meant. *"What? No! Can I help you, Jonathan?"* *"I was just in the neighbourhood, thought I'd stop by."* He said, quickly letting himself in just in case the goons tailing him realized where he'd gone. *"In the neighbourhood? Jonathan, Wayne Manor is the only thing in this area."* Natalie chuckled, shutting the door. *"Are you sure you just didn't want to see me?"* Jonathan thought for a moment as he looked Natalie up and down. Her shorts were short and her tank top was tight, but perhaps the most alluring thing about her was her smile. He realized how much he actually had wanted to see her, so it wasn't a lie when he said, *" Well, you caught me. I miss you today. It gets lonely up in my penthouse."* Natalie beamed and brought Jonathan to the kitchen. *"Alfred isn't here, do you want anything?"* She asked. *"Some Bourbon would be nice."* Jonathan said. Natalie nodded and went over to the small bar in the corner of the kitchen. *"So, you mentioned your penthouse. I think I would like to visit it sometime."* She told him as she poured his drink. *"And I would like to show you. The view is incredible."* He stated as she brought him his drink. *"You're not going to have any?"* Jonathan smirked as he watched her cheeks heat up again.* 

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