Part 3

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*After the goon found Alex's precise location, he called Penguin and informed him of everything. Oswald let out a deep sigh, a sigh of relief and remorse. 'It wouldn't hurt to just lay my eyes on her. I don't even have to say anything...' He thought to himself, 'Don't be stupid! You wouldn't be able to help yourself, you'd run up and hold her!' His mind argued back. He shook his head, killing the rest of his drink to drown out his thoughts. He pulled out his phone, dialling the last number that called,* "Come get me."*


"Well, I haven't met him yet; today's my first day... He intrigued me too, with the fear thing, y'know? He sent my acceptance letter in the mail." *She giggled a bit. She lit up a bit as their conversation furthered. When the man asked for Ms. Wayne, she glanced up. He was very, very beautiful, it almost caught her off guard. Something was strange about him, but it almost was the same thing that drew her to him.* "That would be me." *She smiled as she stood, extending her well-manicured hand.*


*Alex stayed silent, clamming up at the sight of her idol. She couldn't remember the last time she was so excited to meet someone other than Harleen and... She quickly shook those thoughts away.'I'm not thinking about that monster today.' Ms. Wayne stood and held out her hand for Alex to shake.* "Well, it was nice to meet you Ms..."* Alex shook it. *"Kyle. Alexandria, Kyle."* Ms. Wayne nodded. *"I'm Natalie."* After properly introducing herself, Natalie stood beside Dr. Crane. Alex wanted to say something to him, but no words formed. 'God, you look like an ass! Say something!' She willed herself. But as she was about to speak, her phone buzzed. Alex was about to check it when the lobby door burst open and a bubbly blonde woman rushed into the room. *"EEEEE I got the job, I got the job, I got the job! They hired me on the spot!"* The woman exclaimed, shaking Alex by the shoulders. *"HARLEEN!"* Alex shouted, immediately embarrassed as she noticed both Dr. Crane and Natalie staring at her. Harleen followed her gaze and her eyes widened. *"No way, isn't that-?"* *"Yes it is, now let's go."* Alex said, dragging Harley out the door, mortified at her behaviour.*


As the other woman, Alexandria Kyle, left, Jonathan turned his attention back to Natalie Wayne. She was surprisingly beautiful- but she was a Wayne, so Jonathan didn't really know what he was expecting. She smiled at him, waiting for him to say something. *"So, first lesson. I don't need to ask you what Ms. Kyle was feeling when she saw me. She was flustered. How did I know?"* Natalie didn't hesitate, recalling what had just happened. *"She was pale but blushing, couldn't take her eyes off you, but didn't say a word. And her palms were sweaty."* She answered. Jonathan raised his eyebrow, impressed. He hadn't even noticed Ms. Kyle's palms. *"Very good, although, that was an easy one. Why was she flustered, did she say?"* Natalie shrugged. *"I think she's your number one fan."* Jonathan chuckled at this. He didn't have many fans, so this really was a surprise. *"Well, anyway, you're not here to discuss her. You wish to work under me. We need to discuss a few things before we make it official. I need to get to know you from more than the things I've observed these past few minutes."* Natalie tilted her head to the side. *"Well, what have you observed?"* Jonathan reached into his pocket and pulled out a business card.*"Meet me at the Italian Place down the street in ten minutes, and I'll tell you. I don't like meeting people in here, it's depressing."* He said, handing her his card. *"This has my number on it so we can communicate through something other than email. I just need to grab a few things, then I'll see you there."* Without another word, Jonathan went back to his room to retrieve his briefcase, leaving Natalie out in the lobby alone.*

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