Part 29

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*Even after beating a man too close to death for the second time today, Oswald felt this empty feeling inside still. None of this filled the void of his love.* "Why doesn't she see I have her best interest in mind?!?" *He yelled dropping pathetically onto the chair in his lounge. Times were going to be tough; he just hoped Alex enjoyed her kitten.*


*Natalie felt a tad bit of guilt. She knew Jonathan probably wouldn't ever crack, and as they spent more time; the more she liked his company. Her thoughts were quickly stopped by Alex's loud cry.* "GREG! Oh shit." *After the explanation, she tried comforting Alex the best she could while also shooting apologetic glances at Jonathan after he had entered the room. The truth was Natalie was a stranger whom Alex hardly liked and Jonathan hated her. Natalie pulled out her phone to call Harleen.* "Hi, Miss Quinzel, there's been a terrible problem.." *Harleen screamed on the other line after hearing the news.* "I'm coming over right now! Please just make sure she's okay till I get there! I'm fifteen minutes away!" *Harley was frantically shuffling about as the phone hung up. Natalie got up and grabbed Lucifer, who was playing on the floor and set him in Alex's lap.* "Pet.." *Natalie's voice was gentle yet stern as she grabbed Alex's hand and placed it on Lucifer's head. She absentmindedly stroked the cat, the shock was still so fresh. Jonathan cleared his throat, he didn't have anything nice to say so he opted to stay quiet. He couldn't wait for later when the air would turn on and the fear toxin would release from the vent. Maybe that loud blonde would even be here.* "I'm here, I'm here! I came as fast as I could. Alex, are you okay?!" *Harley burst through the door with the spare key she had. Convenient.' Jonathan thought as Harley scooped Alex up into a hug.*


*As Alex felt Harleen wrap her arms around her, she still wasn't sure this was actually happening. She refused to let herself cry, for she had already embarrassed herself in front of Natalie and Jonathan before. Unfortunately, that meant she channelled her upset in a different way. She heard Jonathan clear his throat in a corner of the room. She glanced at him, but he didn't say a word. *"Oh, fuck you!"* she said, surprising Natalie and Harleen. *"I've devoted my life to being one of your biggest fans, I mean, just look at that!* she gestured to her bookshelf across the room which had all of his books proudly on display in the middle of the shelf. *" I mean what do you want from me? Money? Well, I hate to admit it, but I don't have it. If I did, you would already have two new Rolls Royces and a Tesla."* She huffed, frowning when the man only seemed more amused. *"Well, since you don't have money, I now don't have a car. Thanks."* Harleen sneered, already tired of Jonathan's attitude. *"You know what, you need to leave!"* Jonathan only chuckled until he caught a glimpse of Natalie's disappointed gaze. He raised his eyebrow. *"What?"* Natalie stood. *"Hang on, we'll be right back."* She said, gesturing for Jonathan to follow her out the door. When they were out of the room, Harleen gave Alex another hug. Alex huffed frustratedly *"Poor Dave... why does this keep happening to me?"* Harleen pursed her lips. *"You know why."* She meant Oswald, and Alex knew it. And part of her wanted to believe it just so she could have another reason to antagonize him. But she felt something else as well. It was a small feeling, but it was there. A part of her hoped it hadn't been him. A tiny part of her hoped that the Crime Lord knew how much this would hurt her, and left well enough alone. But then again, she thought he was above murdering her parents as well. She didn't mind that he killed people, but why did it have to be the few that she liked? *"Hun, do you want me to go to the GCPD and see what's going on?"* Harleen offered. *"Would you? That would be a big help."* Harleen nodded. *"I'll be back."*


*As Jonathan was pushed out of the room by Natalie, he noticed her take two of his books off of Alex's shelf. She then took a pen from her pocket and held it and the books out to him. *"Sign."* She told him. Jonathan didn't think he heard her correctly. *"I-I'm sorry?"* *"You heard me. Sign!"* Natalie repeated, shoving the books and pen into his hands. *"That girl in there idolizes you."* She said, pointing to the bedroom. *"And you are crushing her right now, which is the exact opposite of what you should be doing."* Jonathan exhaled. Why couldn't Natalie see that he just wanted justice for her? *"Look, Natalie, my car-"* *"Is that what this is about? I told you I'd buy you a new one! That's part of the reason I'm going to the dealership with you tonight."* Jonathan hated how disappointed Natalie seemed in him. *"But it's not just the car. It's you."* Jonathan dropped the books and pen on the table so he could cup Natalie's cheek in his hand. *"It was... concerning how quickly I almost lost you after just meeting you."* Natalie didn't know what to say. That was extremely sweet of him, but it still didn't fully excuse his behaviour towards Alex. Natalie brought her hand up to his wrist and pulled his hand away. *"Just sign the books. And don't leave anything snarky in there because I will check. We're leaving soon."* She said before going back to check on Alex and make sure Lucifer was all set before she left. Jonathan shook his head and sat on the couch. He never signed his books. Was he really about to give Ms Kyle the only signed copies of his first two books? Deciding he didn't want to disappoint Natalie again, he begrudgingly signed the title page of each book.* 

The Psychiatrist-The Billionaire-The Crime Lord-The Insecure (A DC Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now