Part 66

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"I should call Natalie and warn her.." *Alex chewed on her lip as she thought. Oz held back an eye roll.* "Why? What makes you think she's not a part of it?" *Oz wasn't accusing the rich girl of anything, but he wanted Alex to always be vigilant. She shook her hand and pulled out her phone, dialling Natalie's phone number. Oz's eyes went back to the TV, thinking of how he should approach this situation next. When Alex sighed and put her phone down, his eyes went back to her,* "She's probably just busy. Let's worry about something else, Love, please?" *He pleaded with her. He sat up and made his way to the kitchen,* "I know you're hungry!" *His voice sang out as he brought over two plates of breakfast for them. He placed her plate in front of her as he sat next to her.* "Thanks, Ozzy, I'd be a mess without you." *He kissed her head.* "Sometimes you're a mess because of me, though. I don't like that.." *She frowned before pulling him in for a passionate kiss.* "That was just a misunderstanding, Oz. Look at us now.." *She looked down to their cuddled form. She thought about how unstoppable they were together. She purred as Oz held her tighter,* "I really have missed you.." *He smirked and brushed her hair behind her ear. Alex slowly let herself relax, she trusted that Oz would never let anything bad happen to her.*


*She grabbed his face and pulled him in for a kiss before Alfred cleared his throat. Natalie grew red and she hopped up.* "Sorry, Alfred." *She stood and took her bowl to the sink, rinsing it out. She gave Alfred a small wave as she took Jonathan's hand in hers. She led them back towards her room. Jonathan watched as she tiptoed past her brother's room. He waited till they were in her room again before he spoke.* "You wash your own dishes when you have a butler?" *Natalie wagged her finger in front of his face.* "Alfred is not a butler. He's like... Well, he raised us." *Natalie smiled as she flopped onto her bed. She grabbed his hand and pulled him down, so he was lying next to her.* "Do you mean what you said?" *Jonathan chuckled and pulled her close again.* "Of course I do. I'm all yours." *His finger ran along her collarbone as he kissed her neck. She hummed and scooted closer to him, his arms wrapped around her.* "I like that. You're mine and I'm yours." *She smiled sweetly. She could tell she was falling hard for him. He continued to kiss her jaw and neck, repositioning them so he was slightly on top of her. As they kissed, she felt like she would do anything for him; something changed deep down inside of her. Suddenly her phone started going off. They both looked at it as the I.D. displayed Alex's contact. She went to answer it, but Jonathan quickly pulled her arm back and kissed her. Natalie giggled as the phone rang,* "I should answer this, Jon!.." *He smirked and pinned her wrist down.* "Don't worry about that." *Natalie blushed as they kissed. Soon, she was completely distracted from the phone, much to Jonathan's liking.*


*After finishing breakfast and watching a few episodes of CSI, Alex found herself growing restless. Normally by this time of the day, she'd be at work, caring for the reptiles at the zoo. *"What's on your mind?"* Oz asked as he noticed she had become quiet and was squirming a lot more. *"I'm tired of sitting around. Can we go to the zoo?"* Oz chuckled. *"With the amount of time you spend there, you'd think you'd get tired of it."* Alex gasped and hit Oz with her pillow. *"Never! I've devoted my life to these animals and helping their species survive and thrive, it's what I enjoy the most!"* Oz smiled. He'd always enjoyed her passion for animals, finding it funny how the value of all the human lives in the world combined was so small to her compared to the value of the life of one rat snake. *"Please, Ozzy?"* Alex begged. *"I'd go by myself but I still don't have a Jeep."* Oswald couldn't resist her adorable face and nodded. *"Fine, we can go. But only if afterwards we go and get you a new Jeep. We'll bring Butch along so you don't have to go through the pain of driving. Alex clapped her hands. *"Yay!"* She kissed his cheek and stood, forgetting she didn't have her crutch. Oswald caught her before she could fall. *"Dammit, darling, you need to be more careful!"* He chided her playfully. Alex giggled and he helped her into her bedroom. She sat on the bed while he picked an outfit for her. He chose a black turtleneck sweater, a tight black leather skirt, and some black boots. But he narrowed his eyes as she modelled it for him. *"No, I don't like the skirt."* Alex scoffed. *"Why not?"* Oz gently caressed her ass. *"Because this is for my eyes only. You'll turn too many heads."* Alex pointed to a long tan flannel coat. *"I'll wear that."* Oz got it for her and nodded when she put it on. *"Much better."* Alex then put on some hoop earrings and had Oz put her hair up in a bun for her. *"Can we go now?"* Alex asked, petting Lucifer's head to say goodbye. Oz grabbed her crutch in one hand and her arm in the other. *"Eager, are we? Come on."* Alex locked up and Oz grabbed Butch, who was standing watch outside the door. *"You look nice."* the big man said, earning himself a glare from Oswald. *"What? I was just saying, she looks great today! Can I not give compliments?"* Butch asked defensively, making Alex giggle. *"Come on, boys."* She said, grabbing her crutch from Oswald and leading the way to the elevator.*


*He was now very concerned as he kissed Natalie. Alex had no reason to be calling her. She was up to something. Jonathan knew he needed to stop wasting his time and move his revenge along. He pulled away from Natalie, much to her dismay. He found his suit from yesterday and began to change. *"Where are you going? Come back!"* Natalie pouted. *"I have to go back to my penthouse and get changed for work."* Natalie seemed surprised by his sudden change in demeanour. *"O-Oh, well, let me get changed and I'll come with you, we can carpool to work-"* *"No."* Jonathan said quickly. *"I have a few... errands to run before work today, and I don't want to bore you with those."* Natalie smirked. *"I won't be bored as long as I'm with you."* She told him, sitting up on the edge of her bed to watch him. Jonathan sighed. He felt bad leaving her, but she couldn't come along for this. *"That's sweet, Nat, but really, I'm just going to go by myself. I'll see you at work."* Once he was dressed, he gave her a quick kiss on the forehead before leaving. He drove to his penthouse to change and check on Sandra. Once he gave her some snacks and water, as well as stocked up on fear serum, it was off to the narrows to torture Selena.*

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