Part 50

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*He smiled to himself when he found out Alex had kept the kitten. She kept the kitten and the money and wanted to sleep with him; he was over the moon with joy. Though it was painfully slow, Oz was slowly getting Alex back. She wanted to hate it, to think it was creepy to have a museum of her things exactly how she left them, but deep down she knew that's how Ozzy showed his love. He would do anything for her. While Alex was getting changed, he called Butch.* "So, what the hell happened?!" *The excited man yelled as soon as he picked up the phone. Oz's cheeks flushed, hoping Alex didn't hear the other man. Something about this felt like it needed to be kept private- For Alex's sake.* "Shhh! I need you to drop her off, okay? Okay, thanks." *He hung up and returned to the bed as Alex gathered her things.* "Butch is waiting for you whenever you're ready, my... Butch is waiting for you." *He corrected himself before he could call her a pet name.* "Wonderful. Oh, and Oz... Thank you." *He gave her a nod and let her go on her way, hoping this would show her he was ready to treat her the way she deserved.* "I'll have Miss Wayne's car in the parking deck." *He wanted to say he loved her, but opted for another option to keep that to himself. He was sure she already knew.*


"Oh, God.." *Natalie woke up to the sun shining and commotion in a distant room. Luckily, she only had a light headache. She looked around and almost screamed.* "Oh, God! I don't remember going home with anyone.." *The last person she remembers talking to were those two men, but she would never actually go home with one of them. She started to panic until it was Jonathan who walked through the bedroom door. Suddenly she remembered the events of that night, including their kiss.* "Oh, hi.." *Her eyes were glued onto him as he brought in a plate of breakfast.* "Hello. It probably won't be as good as your butler's, but.." *He smiled as he handed her the plate. Natalie grinned and thanked him.* "You made me breakfast? Thank you, Jonathan." *He nodded and led her to the table in his kitchen. Natalie looked at the mess he had made in his kitchen from making the food, she giggled to herself, though she noticed there was more food than needed for just two people.* "Thank you for picking me up, too. Sorry if I was annoying." *She giggled, but he remained collected.* "I would never think that. You were wonderful last night." *He watched as she chewed on a biscuit. Natalie looked at him in his house clothes and blushed. She was lucky she wasn't fired.* "I wouldn't mind kissing again." *Their eyes silently met as Natalie gave him a shy smile.*


*On her ride home, Butch expressed to Alex how happy he was to see her, and how much he and the oldest members of Oz's crew missed her. It was nice to catch up with the man, he was always one of Alex's favourites of Oswald's men. Although she did express to him that Oz owed her a huge apology for Dave and one for her parents. Even though a little over a year had passed, he never apologized. When she was back in her apartment, Lucifer padded up to her, meowing loudly. Alex called for Harleen but then realized she was probably at work. It was stuffy in the room, so Alex turned on the AC as Lucifer continued to mew at her. She figured he wanted food, but when he put his food bowl down, he didn't stop. *"What's wrong?"* She asked, but then she smelled a familiar sulfur smell. *"No!"* She gasped, knowing what was coming. *"No, no!"* She tried to run to the door, but found her way blocked by... *"Oswald!"* She cried, her heart rate spiking and her adrenaline pumping. He was holding his chain and slowly approaching her. *"No! This is wrong! Y-you let me go!"* Oswald chuckled lowly. *"And why the fuck would I do that? You'll just run away! I can't let that happen."* Alex screamed and tried to get away, but Oswald was faster. He caught her with his chain and yanked her against his body, her back against his chest. He wrapped the chain around her neck and pulled, closing her airway.*


*"You are a girl who likes to speak her mind."* Jonathan told Natalie, approaching her. He swiftly leaned in for a kiss, catching her by surprise. He smirked as he pulled away. Natalie blinked. *"To be honest... I didn't expect you to agree to that."* Jonathan chuckled. *"And why wouldn't I? You're wonderful."* Natalie grinned. Jonathan shook his head. *"We do need to get to work, though."* *"Oh, I don't have any of my work clothes... shit."* Natalie realized. *"That's okay, I'll take you to Wayne Manor before we go to Arkham. I can't imagine that dress is comfortable anymore."* He told her, preparing a plate of scrambled eggs and toast. *"Who's that for? Is there someone else living here?"* She asked. Jonathan hated lying even more to Natalie, but he needed to. *"No, this is for research later. Fear isn't the only thing I experiment on."* He smoothly lied. *"I just need to put it in my lab."* Natalie tilted her head. *"Can I see your lab?"* She asked. Jonathan immediately shook his head. *"No. There are classified things."* he said quickly. *"Stay here."* Even though Natalie was a bit suspicious, she obliged. Jonathan ran to Sandra's closet and unlocked it, handing her the plate. Sandra took it and pointed out the door, making a talking motion with her hand. *"Yes, there is someone else here, so keep quiet! Do you have enough water?"* Sandra nodded, and Jonathan quickly shut the door and returned to Natalie. *"Do you have some skeletons in your closet you don't want me to know about?"* Natalie teased, getting ready to go back to the manor. Even though she was joking, Natalie hit way too close to home for Jonathan's comfort. *"Ha, no. Let's go."* He said, ushering her to the elevator.* 

The Psychiatrist-The Billionaire-The Crime Lord-The Insecure (A DC Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now