Part 51

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*He was blissfully unaware as to what Alex was enduring. The only thing on his mind was how she was so close to being back. He could feel there was a reason she wasn't coming back to him fully, and he had to find out what it was. 'Butch!' He thought, pulling out his phone.* "Hey, come see me when you're back, my friend. We have much to discuss." *He grinned to himself. Meanwhile, Harleen made her way to Alex's apartment, singing as she unlocked the door. She was bringing over some board games and movies for them to binge since they had some time apart. Alex was on the floor, curled in a fetal position, with tears flowing down her face. Harley dropped everything, and ran to her* "Alex, what happened?" *She scooped her up into her arms and helped move her to the couch. The brown-haired girl felt guilt when she looked at her best friend; like she would judge if she knew whose bed she was in last night.* "I-I... Oswald.." *Harley cooed quietly, pulling the girl closer and soothing rubbing her back.* "Another hallucination, you think?" *Alex didn't reply, she only stated blankly as she tried to recover.* "We are gonna get to the bottom of this, Alexandria, I mean it!" *She was fueled by determination at that moment, turning back to her friend and comforting her more.*


*She liked waking up next to someone. She had never done it before. She turned to him as the elevator went down.* "Thank you again, Jon, I really appreciate you getting me and cooking and... Everything.." *She trailed off, tucking her slightly messy hair behind her ear.* "There's no need to thank me, really." *He led her out of the elevator and to his car.* "Are we seeing Rosie and Josephine today? Or someone else?" *Jonathan thought for a moment, remembering the patient who made comments about her.* "No... I think we'll be seeing someone else today." *Soon, they arrived at the Manor. Natalie tugged on his sleeve,* "Please, come in! I won't be long, but I'd hate for you to just sit out here!" *She smiled as she persuaded him inside. She opened the door as quietly as she could, unfortunately, it didn't matter.* "Where in the world have you been!?" *Bruce's motherly tone called out glancing between her and Jonathan, his eyes narrowed at him.* "You sick bastard! You slept with my little sister!" *Natalie waved her hand in her brother's face, garnering his attention* "Bruce, stop it! We didn't do anything like that! He just helped me get home." *Bruce listened and calmed down, but he still had a suspicious face when he looked towards Jonathan. Jonathan wanted to say something about how he was the only reason they didn't do anything, but thought it was better left alone.* "Now, I have to get ready for work. Stay here and play nice, both of you." *She exchanged looks with them both.*


*"H-Harleen,"* Alex stuttered, bringing her knees to her chest. "I-I did a bad thing last night. I got drunk-"* *"Oh, hun, getting drunk isn't bad! You've been drunk before!"* Harleen interrupted, setting up Trivial Pursuit to hopefully get Alex's mind thinking about something else other than Oswald for the time being. *"But I wasn't done! I-I got drunk, and I made out with Oswald! Hell, I would've fucked him if he hadn't put a stop to that! But I SLEPT WITH HIM LAST NIGHT."* Harleen nearly dropped the deck of question cards she was holding. *"ALEXANDRIA!"* She exclaimed. *"WHAT?"* Alex quickly explained how slammed she and Natalie had gotten at night and the events that happened at the lounge. *"He was so well-behaved this morning, but then I came home, and I suddenly began to hallucinate him, and I also am starting to feel really sick. I don't know what's going on with me!"* She exclaimed. *"I'm supposed to be a psychiatrist. I'm supposed to know what this means... but I don't"* Harleen said frustratedly. Alex sighed. *"It's okay Harls, I know you're trying your best. And this is a lot... how about we just play the game."* Alex rolled the dice and moved her piece to a green space. *"Science!"* Harleen exclaimed, picking up a card and reading the question. *"How many different types of marine turtles are there?"* she asked. Alex feigned a yawn. *"Seven, too easy."* Harleen smirked. *"Fine, name them all!"* Alex counted on her fingers. *"Flatback sea turtle, Green sea turtle, Hawksbill sea turtle, Kemp's ridley sea turtle, Leatherback sea turtle, Loggerhead sea turtle, aaand the Olive ridley sea turtle. Would you like their scientific names?"* Alex asked. *"No, show off."* Harleen grumbled, causing Alex to giggle. *"I beat you at this game every time, I don't know why you brought it!"* Harleen laughed. *"Because it's worth it to see you smile when you win."*


*Jonathan found himself left with Bruce Wayne, who had his eyes narrowed and his arms crossed. Jonathan kept his cool. *"So, Bruce. I didn't get to speak with you much the last time I saw you."* Bruce nodded. *"I was doing my job. Do you even have one? From the amount of time you've been spending with my sister lately, I'd say no."* Jonathan only chuckled at the man for trying to be tough. *"Do I need to remind you that your sister works for me?"* Bruce's frown deepened, knowing he was right. *"That doesn't excuse you sleeping with her."* Jonathan held up his hands. *"I offered for her to sleep on the couch, she didn't want to. She probably wanted a stable man to comfort her. Someone who wouldn't leave her hanging."* He smirked as a flash of guilt shone in Bruce's eyes. In truth, he wished he could be there for his sister more often, but being Batman just took up too much of his time. *"Well, she could've chosen someone better."* Bruce snapped. *"If you were home to do something with her last night, she wouldn't have ended up at my place."* Jonathan pointed out. Bruce glared at the doctor. Jonathan kept his calm appearance. They didn't say anything else until Natalie rushed down the stairs, changed into something more professional. *"Woah... you guys okay? I could cut the tension in here with a knife!"* She brought her hand down in chopping motions, trying to lighten up the mood. It worked on Jonathan, making him chuckle, but Bruce stayed stoic. *"Geez, brood much? You must practice or something."* Natalie teased. *"Now, Jonathan is going to take me to the Iceberg Lounge to get my car, and then we're going to work. Goodbye!" She smacked Bruce lightly on the arm before she and Jonathan left. Jonathan got in the car. *"How are you two related? You can't be siblings, he's nothing like you!"* he said.*

The Psychiatrist-The Billionaire-The Crime Lord-The Insecure (A DC Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now