Part 52

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*"And then, she says she just wants an apology from you!" *Oz listened as Butch explained what Alex shared with him in the car.* "An apology?" *He scoffed.* "For what?" *Butch sighed on the other end.* "Killing her family and close friend? Isn't that a bit... I don't know, controlling? 'Yer picking who's in her life." *It clicked for him, he struck his forehead with the palm of his hand.* "I'm such an idiot, Butch!"*He hung up, cursing himself. He could hear people in the parking deck, he looked out to see who it was. Now was his time to slowly implement himself back into Alex's life,* "Miss Wayne!" *Oswald called out with a smile. It made Natalie a bit nervous, but she gave the crooked man a small smile.* "I'm just getting my car; thank you for keeping it safe. In this parking lot.." *Natalie awkwardly cleared her throat as Oz sat and watched her.* "Mhm, yes, of course, Miss Wayne." *He scanned the area and saw the Doctor watching them both intensely from his own car.* "Um, okay, well, goodbye." *Natalie waved goodbye and got in as fast as she could.* "Oh, one more thing!" *Oz held up his finger to indicate he had something else to say to her.* "I'll be seeing you around." *He gave his final goodbye and let them leave. It came out more ominously than he had intended, he simply wanted to show Alex he could play nice.*


*She let out a giggle as they made their way to the car.* "Yeah, that's Bruce. He really doesn't mean harm, he just... When you witness a tragedy like we did, you form a special bond. When you have to sit next to your lifeless, bloody parents for fifteen minutes, it makes you kind of.." *She struggled to find the right word as Jonathan drove towards the Iceberg lounge.* "Weird.." *Jonathan looked over at her, she seemed to be deep in thought. He didn't need to ask what she was talking about.* "Hey, don't think about that, then." *He turned the radio on to the station she requested last night. She smiled to herself and interlocked her fingers with his, he let out a chuckle and turned to her.* "I like how your hand feels in mine." *He continued to drive with his other free hand, pulling into the establishment parking deck.* "Not to cause panic, but..." *He checked his watch as Natalie stepped out of his car.* "Work does start in thirty minutes." *Natalie nodded,* "Okay, I'll see you there." *She made her way to her car without trouble, even after talking to Oswald.*


*After winning just about every game they played, Harleen suggested they watch a movie. *"Have you been letting me win?"* Alex asked with a smirk, deciding to let her pick the movie. *"No! I don't understand how you're so good at them! Have you been practising?"* Alex smirked. *"Yeah, that's all I do in my freebie, practice Trivial Pursuit and strategize at Clue."* Harleen ended up picking Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. Alex didn't watch comedies a lot, but this one she liked. Although, about halfway through the movie, she became very aware that they were being watched. Lucifer went over to the window and meowed a woman peering in. *"Selena. It's unlocked!"* She signalled to her sister as Harleen paused the movie. *"That's not safe."* Selena commented, picking up Lucifer once she was inside. Alex rolled her eyes. *"Why do you care?"* Selena shrugged. *"I don't. Anyway, I was just coming over to see if you had a plan to take down Cobblepot or Jonathan."* *"Oh... I haven't really been thinking about that."* Alex admitted. Selena exhaled frustratedly, but then she noticed the basket of money on the kitchen counter. *"Holy shit."* She muttered. *"You wanna take a stack?"* Alex offered. Selena scoffed. *"Hell yeah."* *"Look, I don't know what to do about Jonathan, but something tells me he's not a threat. I mean, it's Oswald I'm having hallucinations about. But I want to wait to do anything about him, either. I have a feeling he wants to fix things for real this time..."* Alex said, almost hopefully.*


*"Jonathan arrived at the Asylum, Natalie soon after. *"What did Penguin want?"* Jonathan asked. Natalie shrugged. *"Just to say hi. I think he was really happy about Alex last night. I wonder if they did anything."* Jonathan shrugged. He hoped they didn't. If Alex wasn't afraid of Oswald anymore, he lost a lot of leverage over her. He just needed to keep feeding her fear toxin. *"Who are we seeing today?"* She asked as they approached his room. Jonathan stopped with his hand on the handle. *"Well, you said you wanted a challenge, so you're getting one.*" He said, opening the door to reveal the man who had yelled at her before. He paled. *"Where's Doctor Leslie? WHERE'S DOCTOR LESLIE?"* Jonathan made sure Natalie was fine with this before going inside and sitting across from the man. *"Until further notice, you are being transferred to under my care."* He explained, a smirk on his face.*

The Psychiatrist-The Billionaire-The Crime Lord-The Insecure (A DC Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now