Part 15

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"You wouldn't be sent anywhere. Or sued. I know Bruce Wayne is rich, but I have connections." *He stated, his brows furrowed with determination.* "I can pull strings at Blackgate and Arkham, but what are the odds you'll even need to?" *He tried smoothing the situation over. He knew it was serious, but Alex didn't need to be concerned about that. Besides, would the Waynes even do anything? The Penguin would be there to fix it up for Alex no matter what.* "I'm sorry, Alex. I didn't want to strain any of your relationships, I just... I couldn't stand seeing them take advantage of you time and time again. I mean, haven't things been better since they've been gone?" *He asked her genuinely as he watched her intently. Alex thought about what he said, but didn't find any words to answer him, though it did calm her nerves a bit to know someone with such connections COULD help her out- He could more than help her out, he'd do anything for her. He couldn't stand those eyes being filled with sorrow. He reached over to the table where the diamond earrings lay. He brushed some of Alex's hair back and gently put them on her, despite her trying to protest,* "Oswald, stop. I don't want anything from y-" "Will you please STOP trying to resist my help??" *He replied exasperated, but Alex knew it wasn't directed at her. He hung his head low as he spoke to her with his eyes closed tightly.* "I want to treat you how you deserve, Alex.." *He looked at her again, whispering gently.*


"Hi, Bruce." *She smiled at the man in front of her, going over everything that happened.* "Alfred told me everything." *Bruce explained, expected by Natalie. She rolled her eyes and let out a chuckle at him, before turning back over to Jonathan.* "Ah, yes! We can show you around, stay for dinner even. My treat for you handling today so well. You were on top of everything before I could even get my head straight again." *She smiled at him as the siblings led him inside. The manor was beautiful, but Jonathan could easily see how it could feel lonely. Alfred stood by the door, waiting to attend to her slight wounds.* "Alfred, this is Dr. Jonathan Crane-" *She explained as he cleaned her up a bit.* "Nice to meet you, Sir." *He said before finishing up and giving her a side hug.* "Don't you be getting into any more wrecks." *He said in a playfully stern manner, his British accent very thick despite his years in Gotham.* "I'll at least hope the next one is fatal." *She joked, earning a disapproving head shake from Alfred and a chuckle from Bruce. She turned back to Jonathan and finished showing him around the manor, avoiding her actual room, ending up back in the dining room by a long table.* "So, will you be staying for dinner?" *She looked at him with hope in her eyes, hoping she wasn't coming off as too desperate for interaction.*


*Alex was a bit intimidated when Oswald raised his voice at her, but he quickly apologized and explained that he only wanted to give her everything she deserved. Alex brought her right hand up and fiddled with the earrings. This was a nervous habit she had, which is why she never wore earrings a lot, even when she did get expensive ones. Oswald exhaled and pulled her hand away from her ear. *"I had hoped you dropped that habit. I guess it is better than biting your nails, though."* Alex pulled her hand away from Oswald. Her stomach began to growl, and she realized how hungry she was now that she wasn't nauseous. Oswald heard it as well. *"Would you like something to eat? Do you still like Mashed Potatoes?"* Alex raised her eyebrow slightly. *"Y-You remembered?"* Oswald smiled softly at her. *"How could I forget? I'll be right back, I'll go make you some."* Alex exhaled as Oswald left. That would keep him occupied for a while. She closed her eyes and tried to relax, telling herself Harleen would find her when she heard a knock at the window. She looked over, and through the window, she saw none other than Selena peering in at her.*


*Jonathan was somewhat surprised when Natalie offered for him to stay for dinner. He couldn't remember the last time someone had asked him to dinner. And other than lunch with Natalie, he couldn't remember the last time he ate with someone. Natalie gazed at him with pleading eyes, eyes he couldn't say no to. *"Well, I suppose."* He replied, also wanting a chance to get to know more about the powerful Wayne siblings. He wasn't very hungry after his big lunch, and he was used to eating small meals, but whatever Alfred had made smelled divine. He watched Natalie's face light up when he agreed to stay, and he couldn't help but smile as well as he sat down at the long table.*

The Psychiatrist-The Billionaire-The Crime Lord-The Insecure (A DC Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now