Part 49

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*Oz quietly wriggled out of Alex's grasp and made his way to the restroom to get ready for bed. Alex was asleep in his bed once again. He couldn't contain his excitement anymore, letting out a joyful laugh as he thought about the night so far. She was back and she wanted him! While it did hurt, emotionally and physically, for Oz to reject her advances, he'd rather have her by his side for the rest of his life than sleep with her one more time while she was under the influence and ruin the trust he was trying so hard to build back,* "Cool it, Oz, you don't wanna wake her up." *He quickly got changed and freshened up, getting ready for bed. When he walked back out to see Alex was still there, he could have cried from happiness. He slipped back into the bed which seemed to comfort Alex in her sleep. His finger traced along her shoulder and arm. Holding her felt right to him, he hoped it felt right to be back for Alex. Her frame lay peacefully next to Oswald, the nightmares and terrors she had been experiencing seemed to stop. She felt like she was actually resting. He let her cuddle up to him with her head on his chest as he hummed softly to her, stroking her hair.* "I love you, Alex, I missed you so much." *Alex made a sound in her sleep, almost like she was responding which made Oz giggle at her. He felt like a new man with his woman back.* 


*"It's so nice here, Jonathan...." *She spoke breathlessly watching Batman take flight off into the night. She couldn't wait to tell Bruce. She fiddled with the hem of her dress as she watched over everything. The wind blew, creating a light breeze that caused Natalie to shudder.* "Stay here. Do not get up." *Jonathan directed her. She did not disobey, staring out into the city, she nodded. He ran in and grabbed one of his sweaters before returning.* "You looked cold." *He hummed, sliding the warm material over her head and slipping her arms through. She let it happen even though it took her by surprise.* "Thank you.." *She smiled genuinely, pulling her knees to her chest and nuzzling into the sweater. It smelled like his cologne and swallowed her slightly. She turned over to see him watching her. She looked at him shyly, a sweet smile on her lips as her eyes searched his.* "What are you lookin' at?" *Jonathan's lips curved into a smile.* "You're beautiful, Miss Wayne." *Natalie felt her breath hitch in her throat as a blush crept onto her cheeks.* "Do you want to kiss?" *She had a habit of blurting things out when she had been drinking.*


*That night, she had the best sleep since she left Oswald. As she stirred, she didn't want to get up, she was so comfortable. But as her mind began bringing back the events of the previous night, she realized two things: One, she had a massive hangover from drinking too much, and two, she was with OSWALD. Both things made her nauseous, and she could feel the bile in her throat already. She launched out of bed and rushed to the toilet, just making it before she threw up. She suddenly felt her hair being pulled back as she let it all out. When she was finished, she swatted Oswald's hand away. *"Are you okay?"* He asked. Alex shook her head. *"No, I'm with you! Fuck, what the hell is wrong with me? Why did I let Natalie convince me to come here, why?"* Alex groaned, hugging her knees to her chest. Oswald frowned but left the bathroom. Immediately, Alex was confused. She had expected him to ask her too many questions that made her head hurt. *"Where are you going?"* Oswald stopped at the doorway. *"I'm letting you collect yourself before you... before you leave."* The last words seemed forced, but he knew he had to allow it. Alex watched him sit on the bed and check his phone, occasionally glancing at her. She was almost mad at him for this, but then she realized he was only doing what she asked him to do. Alex used the tub to help her stand and limped her way over to him. *"Do you still have-?"* *"In the closet."* He smiled, knowing she wanted to change out of her dress. *"O-oh, thanks."* She rummaged through the clothes that she never came back for after she left, finding a bunch of her old things she thought she'd never wear again. *"You kept all these?"* Alex asked as she changed into a sweater and a skirt behind a folding screen. *"You kept that dress I got you."* He pointed out, and Alex realised the dress she'd worn last night he had gotten for her. When she was changed, she stepped out from behind the screen, but fell, pain racking through her body as she hit the floor. She glanced up at Oswald for help, and he was already on his way over with her crutch. *"You'd better be careful,"* He said, gently helping her get to her feet. *"You wouldn't want to end up with a permanent limp like me."* Alex hummed, avoiding eye contact with him. She chewed on her lip. *"Oz... I have to go, I've left Lucifer alone long enough."* *"Lucifer?"* Oz asked. Alex realized she'd never told him she kept his kitten. *"The kitten you got me."* she clarified. *"Oh, you kept it?"* Alex could tell how happy that made him, and it almost made her smile. But she still had some problems to work through with him. And she still wasn't over Dave's death... or her parents'. *"Yes, I did. He's a real sweetheart."* *"Good! I'll let you go now... oh! You came here with Natalie, didn't you? She left with someone else last night, her car's still there. I've already called for Butch to drive you home. He's waiting for you whenever you're ready my lo... whenever you're ready."* He offered. Alex was touched by his suggestion. He remembered how much she hated cabs. *"Wonderful."* She said, going over to the door. *"Oh, and Oz... thank you."*


*The previous night: Jonathan was shocked at her bold suggestion. He did want to kiss her. He brought his hand to her cheek and smiled. *"Perhaps we should."* They leaned closer together until their lips connected. Sparks seemed to fly, and Jonathan felt a strange feeling, something he'd never felt before. Was it... Love? Natalie was the first to pull away, a huge smile Lighting up her face. She giggled as she saw her lipstick on him, and wiped it off with her finger. *"You're a good kisser."* She told him. *"Are you sure you've never hooked up with before?"* Jonathan nodded. *"Positive."* Natalie poked his nose. *"Would you like to?"* Jonathan's breath caught in his throat. *"I-I... what?"* *"Oh, did I make the great Dr Crane stutter?"* Natalie teased. Jonathan chuckled. *"Look, Nat, you are lovely. But you're drunk. This is the alcohol talking."* Natalie tilted her head to the side. *"But is it?"* Jonathan stood and offered her his hand. *"We won't know until the alcohol wears off tomorrow morning."* Natalie rolled her eyes playfully and took his hand. He brought her to the couch, and she sat, looking for the TV remote. *"What are we watching?"* Jonathan raised his eyebrows. *"We're not watching anything. This is where you're sleeping."* Natalie immediately frowned and crossed her arms. *"No, I'm sleeping with you."* Jonathan's eyes widened. *"As much as I love that idea... are you sure it's a good one?"* *"You already kissed me, it's not like we're going to do anything else. Stop being a wuss!"* Jonathan scoffed. *"I am not! Come on."* Natalie laughed as Jonathan led her to his bedroom. Natalie kicked off her heels and snuggled under the covers. *"You're sleeping in that dress?"* Jonathan asked, sitting beside her. Natalie yawned. *"And your sweater. Good night!"* Jonathan smiled softly and kissed her forehead before getting under the covers next to her. *"Fair enough."* He whispered, feeling her snuggle up against him. This was the best night of his life.*

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