Part 62

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*He was breathing hard as he slowed down and enjoyed the sounds of her climax. He reached down and slowly rubbed her folds allowing her to ride it out. He planted gentle kisses on her forehead.* "Fuck, Alex, you're so beautiful." *She hummed and caught her breath before Oswald slowly started pounding into her again. Her arms tightened around him again.* "You feel so good, baby." *Oswald groaned into her ear. Alex let out a loud moan. After some time, Oswald felt himself getting closer. He kissed Alex roughly, which countered his gentle pace. Alex felt the knot in her stomach grow until she released on him again, Oz quickly pulled out of her as his cum shot onto her stomach and chest.* "Oz!" *Alex jokingly scolded him as he chuckled and lay beside her.* "Sorry, sorry..." *He chuckled as he cleaned her off with an extra rag she had in her bag. He tossed it to the side and lay beside her, pulling her closer. The stars shined brightly on their nude bodies. Oz kissed her forehead again.* "I really love you, Alex. I'm sorry I was so stupid before.." *He whispered against her hair.*


*She brought him closer to her, wrapping her arms around his neck as her fingers gripped his hair. He quickly pulled his boxers down, letting his manhood spring out. She pulled away and looked at him as she wrapped her hand around his erect member, stroking it slowly. He groaned and leaned down to kiss her again,* "Natalie, I-I'm.." *His eyes shut tightly as she giggled and pulled her hand away.* "Nuh uh, not so fast.." *She purred as she flipped them over again and straddled him. Jonathan didn't fight it this time as he quickly gripped her hips and slowly lowered her onto him. He watched her as her eyes shut and she let out a loud whimper.*


*Alex rolled on her side and blinked at Oswald. *"You did it all out of love. While I can't say I would've done the same... I guess in a way what you did was sweet. I mean, you did decrease the surplus population... something I complain about frequently."* She chuckled. *"Mm, and there's the morally questionable woman I love so much,"* Oswald chuckled, kissing her nose. Alex shivered as she cooled down, and Oswald pulled an extra blanket over her. She smiled softly and scooted closer to him, accidentally banging her injured arm on the ground harder than she meant to. *"Ah!"* She winced. Oswald gasped and immediately examined it. *"Are you okay?"* Alex nodded. *"Yeah... it's just, I haven't had my medication all day, it's starting to get sore, and so is my leg."* Alex explained. *"Oh, do you have it with you?"* Oz asked. Alex shook her head. *"I wasn't expecting to be out so late..."* Oswald kneeled beside her and lifted the blanket off her left leg. *"W-Would it help if I massaged it? I don't know if you're supposed to, but-"* Alex nodded vigorously, very much wanting a massage. *"I don't care if it doesn't help, you give the best massages!"* She told him grinning widely. Oswald cracked his knuckles. *"And I've had plenty of time to practice since I've given you one last."* He started on her leg, and it felt amazing. Alex felt herself relax as Oz took her pain away. He gently rolled her over and massaged her back, shoulders, and arms, eliciting a few satisfied moans from her. *"How do you always know what's best for me?"* Alex murmured when he was finished, feeling much better already. *"No one else does."* He laid down next to her and pulled her against his chest, wrapping his arms around her. *"Because I love you more than anything else in the world."* Alex's response was so quiet, that if it wasn't silent in the room and Oz wasn't paying attention, he wouldn't have heard her. *"I love you too."*


*"Oh, so you think you can tease me and get away with it?"* Jonathan asked, not giving Natalie long to adjust to his size before slamming her hips up and down repeatedly. She screamed from pleasure, but Jonathan wasn't watching her facial expressions - his eyes were trained on her bouncing breasts instead. Natalie noticed and brought her hand to his chin, tilting it up so he was looking into her eyes. *"M-My eyes are up h-here."* She said between moans, smirking when he rolled his eyes at her. Although he loved how she maintained her sassy attitude, even in the heat of the moment. He groaned as he felt her beginning to clench tightly around him, signalling she was close to release. *"Oh, Dr. Crane!"* She cried. Somehow, her using his title only turned him on more. Not waiting for her, he climaxed and spilt his hot seed inside of her. Natalie gasped and gave him a light slap on the cheek. *"You'd better n-not get m-me pregnant!"* She exclaimed. *"Trust me, I've exposed myself to enough chemicals in my life to most likely make me infertile."* Jonathan said with a chuckle, letting go of her hips and allowing her to work toward her own release, enjoying his view.*

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