Part 60

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*Wordlessly, Butch and Owen left the room, Butch held the door for the other guy as they left. Oz sat up on the blanket he had placed down for them to watch the stars and bent over Alex, attacking her with kisses. Alex's giggles and pleas were enough to keep Oz going for a lifetime. His hands trailed down to her arms, his hands fumbling with the zipper of her top. The kiss continued, Oz groaned before he pulled away for breath.* "Are you sure, Alex? You haven't been drinking have you?" *Oz joked. Alex didn't waste time answering; she quickly pulled him back to her, wrapping her arms around his neck and bringing him in close.* "Oh, please, Oz, I'm tired of running from you. From us." *Oz smiled into the kiss as his other hand slowly caressed Alex's thigh, squeezing lightly. Oz smirked to himself when he heard her gasp.* "If you're sure, my love." *He whispered against her neck as he continued to place kisses.*


*She took it and placed it to the side and moved so she could sit on his lap as he sat. She then moved the popcorn bowl back into her lap.* "You make a comfy chair." *Natalie giggled at him. She connected their lips softly, her arms wrapped around his neck. Jonathan wrapped his arms around her too, scooting her closer to him. She ran her fingers through his hair, giving it a light tug. Jonathan felt his heart rate quicken each time Natalie let out a giggle.* "Jonathan?" *He looked into her eyes, his hands tracing up her arm.* "Yes?" *She playfully pushed him down into the bed causing his eyes to widen. Her hand found its way under his shirt and on his chest. She looked up into his eyes with a smile as if asking for permission.*


*Oz's touch was driving Alex crazy. She wanted him, and only him, and she didn't know how she'd gone so long without him. Oz took off Alex's blazer and she then felt him find the zipper to her top. He slowly pulled it down and discarded it, finding out she wasn't wearing a bra. Alex gasped as Oswald began peppering kisses over her chest as he hooked his thumb through the waistline of her skirt and pulled it off, leaving her only in her black lace panties. Oh, how he'd missed those black lace panties. But, they had to go. *"We can still stop..."* He told her cautiously, gazing deeply into her big brown eyes that sparkled under the stars for any indication that Alex was uncomfortable. *"I don't wanna hurt you."* Alex brought her good hand to his cheek and smiled. *"I trust you to be gentle."* She murmured, her hands moving to his suit jacket, trying to work it off. But Oz held her wrists before she could continue. *"I just wanna say you look extremely sexy with your clothes off, my love."* He cooed. Even though the room was dark, Oz could tell she was blushing. She giggled and freed her wrists from his grasp, slipping his suit jacket off. *"Shut up, take your clothes off, and fuck me."* She ordered playfully, not sure how much more foreplay she could take.*


*If Jonathan said he was surprised, he would be lying. He knew what Natalie wanted, he could feel the sexual tension, even though he was extremely embarrassed to admit: He'd never had sex before. Sure, he'd been caressed by drunk women at parties (that's one of the reasons he stopped going to them), but never did he feel butterflies in his stomach from the way Natalie was sitting on him and touching him. He tried not to look too eager as he unbuttoned his shirt, trying to act as though he'd done this before... it was no big deal. But the... situation growing in his trousers was giving him away as Natalie traced his abs with her finger, leaning to kiss his neck. As she rolled her hips forward on his lap, she felt him and smirked. *"Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?"* She teased, moving her hips around, causing him to groan. *"Natalie I want to do so many things to you."* He admitted, running his hands around her still-clothed body.*

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