Part 39

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"What do you MEAN she's not healing right? Well, did you drop off the money?" *Oswald listened as Butch told him the details.* "Shit! What do I do?!" *He smacked a glass off of his bar he sat at. It shattered and glass covered the floor. Butch sighed disappointingly on the other line.* "I don't know, Boss, but even I'm a little worried. She looks like a shell of her former self.." *Oswald groaned under his breath, he knew he cared for her too, and that's why he was his top trusted worker when it came to this situation.* "I don't get it! I'm leaving her alone, what's causing this?" *Butch stayed silent for a moment.* "What if someone else is messin' with her?" *The Penguin grew mad just thinking about it. He hung up and immediately started festering in his thoughts.*


*She silently stood and collected her and Alfred's belongings.* "Okay, Miss Kyle, I understand you're upset with your situation, but that does not give you an excuse to disrespect me and my family. Goodbye." *Natalie's sudden change in behaviour left Alex too taken aback to say anything. She turned away from her to face Harley,* "Miss Harleen, you have my contact information if you need it." *Alfred gave a wave goodbye to the girls as Natalie led them away.* "Oh, great, you managed to piss off the nicest person in Gotham and she just so happens to be a Wayne!" *Harley's hands clasped over her eyes dramatically as she sunk onto the bench next to Alex.* "It's like you want trouble." *Alex huffed but then felt a pair of eyes on her.* "I don't want trouble! I just... I don't wanna be here anymore, Harls.." *The men she had seen from earlier were now gone, leaving an uneasy pit in her stomach. Harley then gathered all of their possessions, hooking an arm under Alex, and leading them back home. In the car with Natalie, Alfred drove with the windows slightly cracked for fresh air.* "All of the newspapers want to ask why the Waynes are so reclusive... This is why!" *She threw her hands up by her face as she complained.* "Now, now. You'll find someone who you really connect with." *Natalie frowned and sunk down in her seat. Once they got home, she went to her room to take a nap. She was plagued with more dreams of the Scarecrow.*


*Back in her apartment, Alex was watching Silence of the Lambs, when Harley came up and paused it, handing Alex her phone. *"Great, who called?"* She asked. *"Nobody called. YOU'RE calling Natalie."* Harleen corrected. Alex lazily stroked Lucifer's head. *"Why?"* *"To apologize."* Harleen said. Alex rolled her eyes. *"Very funny."* *"Uh-uh, no, no! I'm not joking! For as long as I've known you, you've never sincerely apologized to anyone for anything. That ends today!"* Harleen exclaimed. Alex stared at Natalie's name in Harleen's phone. *"No one deserves my apologies except for you and my colleagues."* Alex huffed, crossing her arms defiantly. *"Besides, if Natalie has no spine, that's not my problem. Jonathan Crane is being her backbone anyway."* Harleen pinched the bridge of her nose. *"Alex, please stop acting like a child!"* *"Jesus Harleen, I'm not, leave me alone."* Alex grumbled, reaching for the remote. But Harleen smacked it across the room, causing the back to fall off and the batteries to pop out. *"That poor girl has done nothing but help you, and you've been acting like a bitch towards her! She doesn't deserve that. Now, apologize!"* Alex sneered at her broken TV remote. *"This is why I don't fucking interact with people, Harleen! Apologies are stupid!"* Harley growled. *"No, you're being stupid! Do you know who never fucking apologizes? OSWALD."* Alex felt her anger blossom inside her stomach. *"HOW DARE YOU COMPARE ME TO HIM!"* *"WELL IT'S TRUE! HE ONLY APOLOGIZES TO ONE PERSON, AND THAT'S YOU! IS THAT WHO YOU WANT TO BE? A FUCKED UP LITTLE WHINY BITCH? THEN FINE, BE MY GUEST! OR YOU CAN MAKE THAT CALL RIGHT NOW, AND PROVE THAT MAYBE, MAYBE THERE IS A SHRED OF DECENCY INSIDE OF YOU!"* Harley shrieked, making Alex speechless. Harley had never yelled at her before, and it was terrifying. Without breaking eye contact with Harleen, Alex pressed 'call' and brought the phone up to her ear.*


*Jonathan was on his way back to his penthouse to devise a plan to get back at Selena, Jonathan had a strange suspicion that he was being tailed. He looked over his shoulder and saw a plain black Lexus behind him. Then, five minutes later, after a series of strange twists and turns, he still saw the Lexus. Jonathan tried to get a look at the driver without being obvious. Instead, he saw a tiny Penguin sticker on the front windshield, obviously Oswald branding what was his. *"Of course, I can't get away with one little crime in the narrows."* He muttered, thinking of what to do. He couldn't go back to his penthouse, or all his work would be compromised. And if he went to Arkham, it would be easier for the goons to identify who he was. He needed to go somewhere secluded... somewhere that was out of the way and quite restricted, but a place that he had access to. Then it hit him. He checked behind him, and sure enough the goons were still there. He sighed. *"Sorry Natalie, I hope I'm not bringing you more trouble,"* he murmured as he started heading toward Wayne Manor.* 


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