Part 59

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*He was so excited to spend the night and evening with her, that he could hardly contain it. He was touched that Alex confided in him like she used to. Oz got out and helped Alex out next, Butch handed her the crutch. Oz smiled at him as he walked beside Alex.* "Of course, I couldn't have done it all by myself. I must give credit where it's due." *He applauded Butch making Alex giggle. Butch did a playful twirl making Alex laugh harder. They made their way inside. It was spacious and decorated to look like the stars.* "Here, come this way." *He led her to a staircase. Alex frowned knowing it would hurt to walk up all of these steps. Suddenly, Oz scooped her up. Her crutch fell to the floor as Oz spun them around. Butch didn't want him to, on account of Oz's own disability, but Oz wouldn't let that stop him. He managed to walk them both up the stairs and into a dark room that showed off the night sky. The light of the stars shimmered against Alex's form. Oz pulled her closer and gave her another gentle kiss.* "I'm so glad you're in my arms, Baby."*


*She frowned but quickly recovered, taking Jonathan's hand and dragging him up to her room once more.* "Stay here." *She pointed to her bed before scavenging her closet for something else to wear. She went to the bathroom to change into a more casual black dress. She walked out and sat on the bed next to him.* "I'm sorry about Bruce. He's been really stressed lately." *She said as she put her hand over his.* "It's not your fault; don't apologize." *Natalie smiled as he intertwined their fingers. All the chaos from the last week seemed to have disappeared when she was with him.* "Hey, let's watch a movie. We have a big screen downstairs." *Natalie grinned as she led him downstairs. She took him down a hallway and opened a set of double doors, leading into a TV room.* "Interesting." *Natalie giggled at his comment.* "Jeez, that's your favourite word, isn't it? What movie do you wanna watch?" *He settled into the couch a bit more and faced her, letting her pick whatever she wanted to since he didn't watch movies often and didn't know what to say.* "How about Hellraiser? I haven't seen that one in a while." *The movie started playing and surprisingly, Jonathan actually liked it.*


*Alex felt herself melting into Oz's kiss. A tiny part of her was telling her that this wasn't right and that she should be resisting more. But the majority of her was completely turned on by how romantic Oswald was being. *"If this is how all your apologies are going to be, I'll start getting mad at you for no reason."* Alex teased as Oz set her down. Since she didn't have her crutch, she leaned on him for support until he led her over to a blanket on the ground, and sat down with her on his lap. *"Oh, Ozzy the stars are so pretty."* she breathed cuddling up to him. Oswald peppered kisses down her jawline and neck. *"They remind me of your eyes... I love your eyes."* Alex still felt giddy whenever Oswald complimented her; he was always so sincere. Growing up, Selena was the favourite child, wanting to take after their parents. Alex wasn't told 'I love you' much and her parents never gave her compliments. In fact, they did quite the opposite, telling her she'd never succeed being a nerdy freak who cared more about animals than herself. That changed when she met Oz. He never failed to let her know that she was priceless and that he valued her above all else. He had no one, so he poured all his love into her, and she enjoyed it. Alex was feeling all of that again. Her eyes were glued to the stars as she asked: *"Oz, honey, are we doing anything after this?"* Oz shook his head. *"I didn't have anything planned, why? Is there something you want to do?"* Alex hesitated. *"Well... do you want the honest answer or the appropriate answer?"* Oswald raised his eyebrow. *"Uhm, I guess the... appropriate answer?"* Alex huffed. *Okay, I lied, there was no appropriate answer. I wanna do you, Ozzy."* She pouted, turning to gaze into his eyes.*


*"I can't believe you've never seen that movie before!"* Natalie exclaimed after it was over, throwing some popcorn at Jonathan. *"It's right up your alley!"* Jonathan laughed and threw up his hands to protect him from the popcorn barrage. *"Do I look like I watch movies to you? I'm more of a book reader myself. Have you ever read 'Wuthering Heights'?" Natalie crossed her arms and mimicked him. *"Do I look like a book reader to you?"* Jonathan rolled his eyes and threw a piece of popcorn at her. She caught it in her mouth and winked. *"Come on, I have an older brother! You can't pull that shit on me!"* She said, the popcorn between her teeth. Jonathan stood and approached her, leaning down. *"No, but I can do this."* He used his teeth and tongue to take back the piece of popcorn she had and swallowed it. Natalie turned bright red, amusing Jonathan. She pouted. *"I was gonna eat that, jerk!"* Jonathan held out the popcorn bowl. *"Would you like some more?"* Natalie nodded and reached to take from the bowl, but he suddenly held it above her head, just out of her reach. *"Hey!"* Jonathan took delight in watching her jump up and down, trying to get the bowl back. *"Ah ah! The price of popcorn is one kiss."* He teased, dangling the bucket over her. Natalie smirked and pulled him closer to her by his tie, their lips connecting for a passionate kiss. Jonathan was a bit stunned when she pulled away. *"Well fuck, you definitely deserved this."* He said, handing her the bowl.*

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