Part 27

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*Oswald made it back to his lounge. It had been an exhilarating day. All he needed to do is wait for Alex to give in, then he could spoil her every day! He sighed as he poured himself a glass of whiskey, just waiting for the right moment for her to come back.* "All she needs is a couple of days of space, Oswald, you can handle that." *He told himself as he downed the alcohol. A knock at the door was heard before a goon barged in.* "We got the guy you wanted, Boss." *The Penguin found himself smiling widely as a random man who owed him money was thrown into the room.* "Just what I needed to take my mind off of things.." *He ominously stated as he loomed over the trembling man.*


*She giggled softly at his boldness, displaying her phone for him to see it had no caller ID. She liked it when people showed protectiveness about her, she was used to it. This Batman/Scarecrow conversation would be continued at a later time, Natalie thought.* "Hello, this is Natalie Wayne speaking." *She answered the phone professionally only to be met with meows before Alex spoke.* "Hey... It's Alex." *Jonathan rolled his eyes again, but Natalie's eyebrows raised on her face.* "Oh, hi! Are you alright? Did something happen? Do you need someone to come over?" *Natalie questioned, her mind automatically raced to the Penguin going too far.* "Um.. Actually, kind of. I got this kitten, and I'm just so exhausted. I need help and you just seem so... Helpful?" *Alex tried explaining to Natalie, who just let out a soft chuckle. Natalie saw  Jonathan shaking his head and decided it was a good time for everyone to make amends.* "I'd love to help you! But, uh, is it okay that I bring along Dr. Crane? We were going to the car dealership afterwards." *Natalie gave him a look asking if he was okay with that. As much as he didn't want to, this could be a good time to try to make a plan to get back at the Kyle sisters. His silence was the answer as Natalie grinned widely.* "O-Oh, um, I-" "Okay, I'll see you in about 20!" *She hung up the phone and turned to Jonathan,* "Sorry! I know, so on the spot.. But, I really wanna get you a new car. I feel horrible about it."*


*Alex grabbed one of the cat toys that Oswald had gotten for her and played with Lucifer on her bed while she waited for Natalie and Jonathan to show up. She felt too embarrassed to see Jonathan again but figured if she dolled herself up, it wouldn't look like it. *"Hmm..."* she stared at the vanity across the room, then at her crutches beside the bed, then at Lucifer. *"Uhm, stay?"* She said, awkwardly getting her crutches so she could stand. She kept a close eye on Lucifer in the mirror of her vanity as she did her makeup. Then she went over to her closet and rummaged through some dresses. *"Which one?"* She asked Lucifer, holding up two identical dresses, one green and one black. Lucifer mewed, and Alex giggled. *"I think I should match you too! Ugh, how am I going to do this?"* Alex struggled to put the dress on, but it was worth it when she looked at herself in the mirror. *"Hello, sexy. You haven't been a lazy bitch all day, have you? No ma'am,"* But as she stared at her reflection, she was suddenly hit with the memory of Oswald buying her this dress on a whim, wanting to see her in it. *"Oh no, I can't wear this."* she muttered, going back to her closet. But then, there was a knock on her door. She didn't have time to change. Alex approached the door, leaning heavily on her crutches as she opened it. She was greeted by Natalie's bright face and Jonathan looked her up and down, silently judging her. *"Wow, if it wasn't for your casts, I wouldn't even be able to tell you were in an accident! You look great."* Natalie complimented. *"Now, where's the little one?"* *"Oh, uh, his name is Lucifer, and uh..."* Alex looked around. *"I left him on my bed last."*


*Jonathan couldn't believe how much Alex had dressed up for their visit. It was excessive, was she really afraid of being judged that much? 'Maybe that's how I can get to her.' He pondered as Natalie rushed inside to look for the kitten. *"Lucifer. Interesting name. I mean, it fits, considering he'll most likely perish after only three days in your care,"* He hissed at Alex, low enough so that Natalie didn't hear. Alex avoided eye contact with him. *"Mr Crane, I would prefer if you didn't insult me."* Jonathan leaned in so that he was only inches from her face. *"That's DOCTOR Crane to you."* He smirked as he walked further into the apartment. He found Natalie in the bedroom, fawning over Lucifer. It was quite an adorable sight. He took his phone out and snapped a picture so he could admire it later. He then noticed all of the supplies by Alex's bed. *"What are all these?"* He asked as she hobbled into the room. Alex sighed and Natalie rushed over to her, helping her to sit on the bed so she was comfortable. *"Well, long story short, Oswald was here, I fell asleep, and he's been replaced by a kitten with all of the supplies necessary to care for one. But, I'm a reptile woman, my sister was the one who was into cats."* *Wait, you said Oswald was here?"* Natalie asked. Jonathan silently observed Alex's subtle shift in mood. She hunched her shoulders slightly and glanced around nervously. Her breathing had also picked up pace quite a bit. He wondered if Natalie had noticed it too. *"Y-Yes. He popped out of my shoe closet."* She admitted, swallowing nervously. Jonathan grinned ever so slightly. It seems as though there were multiple ways he could get to Alex. It was Selena who was going to be the problem.*

The Psychiatrist-The Billionaire-The Crime Lord-The Insecure (A DC Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now