Part 63

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*Oz smiled and allowed Alex to peacefully fall asleep. He heard a buzz in her bag and peeked at her phone. The lock screen displayed several missed calls and texts from several people.* "Aw, shoot. I better get you home." *He whispered to Alex's sleeping form before getting up and slipping his clothes on. He gently slipped her panties back on, causing her to stir.* "No, Oz, I don't wanna get up.." *She whined. He chuckled at her; he loved that she felt taken care of under his presence.* "I'm sorry, baby, but people are looking for you... Your phone's blowing up.." *He admitted as she cuddled into the blanket deeper.* "I don't wanna go home, I want to sleep with you." *Oz checked around; no alcohol in sight.* "Well, I don't see why that would be a problem. I'd love to lay with you again, but we should get home and cleaned up." *Alex obliged and got up. Oz called his men back in and they headed back to the limo.* "Here, dear, people really want to hear from you." *He handed her her phone and Alex sighed, forgetting about her friend and sister after such a great apology.* "Yeah, let me call and tell them I'm okay.."


*After a little longer, she felt herself getting closer and finished, moaning and slumping onto his chest. She caught her breath as he played with her hair. She nuzzled into the crook of his neck. Now her hair was messy and her cheeks were flushed.* "I had fun." *Her voice was muffled by his neck. He let out a chuckle and ran a hand along her body.* "I had fun too." *She sat up and kissed him.* "I'm going to take a bubble bath." *She got off of him as Jonathan quickly put his underwear back on. She threw on a robe and gestured for him to follow her to her bathroom. The room was light pink with marbled counters and a sink. It had a large black bathtub, easily big enough to fit five people.* "Are you sure this isn't a jacuzzi?" *Jonathan raised his eyebrow and Natalie chuckled.* "Yes, yes! It's excessive, but I didn't pick it!" *She threw her hands up defensively as she smiled at him. She ran warm water and pulled a cord on the tub that automatically dispensed the bubble solution. She opened a drawer and pulled out a match, lighting the candles on the counter.*


*Alex tiredly spoke to Harleen on the phone, asking her to please leave her apartment when she got home. She was hoping Oswald would stay the night with her at her place. She'd be more comfortable there. Unfortunately, however, when they got back to the apartment, Harleen was still there. She greeted Alex when she got inside, but when she was followed by Oswald, Harleen narrowed her eyes. *"Fuck you!"* She exclaimed, slapping him across the cheek. *"That was for all the times you hurt Alex! Anyway,"* Her tone instantly went back to chirpy. *"You two sleep well! Good night!"* Oswald was too stunned to say anything as the blonde left. *"She's insane."* He finally said as he followed Alex to her bedroom. Alex sighed, finding Lucifer asleep on her bed. He roused when he heard her and instantly jumped into her lap. *"I know you don't like her, but can you please try to get along? She's my best friend."* Oswald's gaze softened as he nodded. *"Of course, my love, I'm sorry."* Alex smiled softly, taking off her shoes and blazer before approaching her bathroom. *"I'm going to go shower."* She told Oswald, who was now playing with Lucifer on the bed. She looked back at him expectantly. *"Ahem, I said, I'm going to shower."* Oswald arched his brow. *"Yes, I heard you the first time."* Alex rolled her eyes. *"Well, are you coming, dumbass?"* Oz's eyes widened as she realized what she meant. *"Oh! Oh, yeah, sorry darling."* He eagerly followed her into the bathroom, both of them stripping down. Alex ran the water until it was warm enough, and she stepped in, Oz following her. Once they were under the water, Alex wrapped her arms around his neck and exhaled, relaxed. She felt him drape his arms around her waist, and she looked up at him, seeing his admiration for her in his eyes. She softly kissed him, stumbling slightly as she put too much weight on her bad leg. Not breaking the kiss, Oz lifted her leg off the ground by her thigh, relieving the pressure as he backed her against the cold shower wall. Similar to the rest of her apartment, it was black and dark grey tile, so her pale skin stood out among it. The hot water ran over their bodies, steaming up the bathroom as they passionately made out in the shower.*


*Jonathan watched Natalie Light the candles around the tub, candles that appeared to have never been burned before. 'Hm, romantic.' He thought as he took his boxers back off, assuming she wanted him in the tub with her. When she was finished prepping, Natalie looked over at him expectantly. *"Ladies first."* He said with a smirk, holding out his hand to help her into the tub. She took it and stepped in, pulling him after her. As he sunk into the hot water, his glasses steamed up, forcing him to take them off. Natalie bit her lip. *"How do you look so hot with and without your glasses?"* She asked, lowering herself beside him and leaning her head on his shoulder. *"Good genetics."* He answered jokingly. He bent his legs, his knees peeking out over the bubbles. He gestured for her to lay against them. *"Why?"* She asked, even though she obliged. Jonathan didn't reply, he just watched as she leaned back against his legs, dropping her head back, her Raven hair pooling in the water behind her. Jonathan looked beside him on the rim of the tub until he found shampoo, pouring some into his hand. It smelled of fresh flowers as he began to massage it into her scalp. Natalie let out a small moan, closing her eyes. Jonathan was glad she was relaxed with him. He normally had the opposite effect on people, so this was refreshing. After he washed the shampoo out of her hair, Jonathan then ran some conditioner through the ends, taking his time combing his fingers through her soft locks. *"Jonathan, you seem so good at this, have you done it before?"* she asked. He actually had done this once before, with Sandra, but it had been when he'd first picked her up off the street; besides he had been outside the tub with his clothes on, and Sandra had been knocked out, he didn't even know if she remembered it happening. Jonathan thought about this as he answered her. "No."* He lied, not wanting her to think he'd ever been with any woman before. She was his first, and he was glad.*

The Psychiatrist-The Billionaire-The Crime Lord-The Insecure (A DC Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now