Part 23

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"No, Stop! Please! I'll tell you what I know, JUST STOP PLEASE!!" *Dave screamed in agony. He was bound to a chair by his wrists and ankles in a small hidden room that no one used. His face was beaten to a pulp, his body was so bruised and sore from the continuous beating took place. Oz stepped up and smacked his cane across Dave's chest.* "Where does Alex live? Tell me anything!" *Dave grunted in pain. He argued with himself in his mind. He can't give up information about where Alex is, but he can't take any more beatings.* "She's moving... Across the country to Arizona... Her friend Harleen is going with her.." *He panted. Oswald's brows furrowed in anger as he mercilessly stroked down on Dave with his cane again.* "YOU'RE LYING!!" *He screamed in the almost unrecognizable man's face. Dave let out more cries in pain. The slimy man let out a dark chuckle,* "Look at me! Beating you like an Animal! I'm smarter than that." *He searched Dave's pockets, finding his phone and making him unlock it. He found their conversations and her address from a time she left her coat at work and needed it oh so badly that Dave just HAD TO GIVE IT BACK. Oz huffed after finding what he needed.* "Kill him." *He made his way out of the door without looking back.*


"Thank you, I'll call you if I need a ride home." *She thanked Alfred as she got out. Natalie had convinced him to stop at a local shop, so she could buy coffee for Jonathan- as a way to coolover how strange yesterday was. She waited in the lobby for Jonathan to arrive.* "He's not here just yet, hun." *The lady at the front desk told Natalie. She nodded and waited. Jonathan came sauntering in shortly after, adjusting his tie as he stepped in. Natalie could tell he seemed to be displeased already, she was glad she did get the coffee, maybe it'd make him feel better.* "Good morning." *She smiled brightly at him, extending the cup of black coffee towards him. Jonathan smiled lightly grabbing it from her gentle grip.* "You got this for me?" *She hummed in response.* "I had extra time this morning." *Natalie wondered back to how he just had been. What had gotten him so upset? As smart as she was, Natalie was oblivious to certain things as well. Bruce was Batman? Alex was really only nice because of Dr. Crane? A random lady sneaking into her home to overhear conversations? Natalie didn't have the slightest clue.* "I was wondering who we might be seeing first?" *Natalie asked enthusiastically. Jonathan smiled at her eagerness as he started explaining the case to her.*


*Alex awoke in a cold sweat. She wiped her lips as if the dream had been real, and rubbed her neck to assure herself she was free. There was a knock on her door and Harley came in with a nurse and a pair of crutches. *"Hey hun, you're going home!"* Alex breathed a sigh of relief. Home. She'd be safe there, as Oz didn't know the address of her apartment. *"Home, home, home, it'll be so nice to get home,"* she breathed as the nurse helped her out of bed. Harley helped her change into a long, strapless dress to hide her leg cast and put a cardigan over her shoulders to hide her arm cast, knowing Alex wouldn't want people to see those. The nurse then helped Alex learn how to comfortably walk with a broken arm and crutches. Once she was successful in walking up and down the hallway without help, Harley took Alex home. Home, to apartment 14A on the top floor of the building, where she preferred to be. Alex could've cried as she approached her front door and unlocked it. She was finally safe. She was finally home.* 


*So, my first meeting today is with a Schizophrenic."* Jonathan explained to Natalie, who had her notebook out and was listening intently as they walked down the hall to his room. *"Her name is Rosie, and she is normally well-behaved... except when you forget to address her friend."* Natalie pursed her lips. *"Friend?"* Jonathan nodded, taking a sip of his coffee. *"Take a moment to think. What can you tell me about Schizophrenics?"* Natalie racked her brain. *"Well, an excess amount of the dopamine hormone can cause the person to have a multitude of different symptoms, both positive and negative, one of the most prevalent ones being hallucinations... ohhhh."* Natalie nodded as she understood what Jonathan meant. *"Even though you will only be observing today, please address Rosie's friend, Josephine. Josephine usually stands on Rosie's left side, and is a muscular person with the... head of a unicorn."* Jonathan chuckled along with Natalie, glad that she wasn't freaked out, but amused. *"So far, I've been trying to talk Rosie through her problem so I can prescribe the correct dosage of Fluphenazine."* They reached his room, where Rosie was already waiting. *"Okay, are you ready?"* 

The Psychiatrist-The Billionaire-The Crime Lord-The Insecure (A DC Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now