Part 24

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*He had spent time and made sure everything had been cleaned to perfection, ceiling to floor. He wanted it to be perfect for when she got home.* "All these stairs, what if something happens?" *Oz heard Harley's big mouth coming up the stairwell and close to the apartment. He quickly looked for a place to hide, not wanting Harleen to catch him there. The door opened and Alex could feel her heartbeat quickening.* "Harley... This isn't how I left my apartment.." *Harley quickly shook her free of those thoughts.* "You're being paranoid! A bunch of bad shit keeps happening, you're mind is working too hard to find chaos when you finally have a moment of peace." *Harley's tone was very factual as spewed out her knowledge. Alex decided she was right. She let out a chuckle at her best friend, glad to finally be able to actually relax. 'Yeah, that makes sense..' Oswald thought. 'Except for the part where I'm actually in her home.' He quietly stayed in his hiding spot.*


*She nodded, taking a deep breath before walking in. Jonathan stood across from Rosie as Natalie stood next to him.* "Hello, Rosie. Hello, Josephine." *Jonathan remarked before gesturing to Natalie after he didn't get a response.* "This is Dr Wayne. Is it okay if she observes our session?" *He asked rather monotonously, pushing up his glasses.* "Nice to meet you two." *She smiled at Rosie and turned to Rosie's left side, smiling towards nothing.* "Okay.." *Rosie spoke quietly, eyeing the new doctor cautiously.* "Excellent, thank you, Rosie." *He pulled out the second chair for Natalie before sitting on his own.* "So, tell me how things have been since our last conversation?" *As the meeting progressed, Natalie took small notes to go over. It seemed Rosie was even growing warmer towards her.* 


*Even though Harleen was telling Alex she was paranoid, Alex couldn't help but think things were too clean. *"Harls, I can't even remember the last time I dusted."* She said, running her finger along her counter, which was completely clean. *"Alex, please, just sit down,"* Harleen told her friend, leading Alex over to her couch. Alex used her crutches for support to sit, and Harleen propped her casted leg on the table. Alex narrowed her eyes and gazed around her room. *"Harleen, my shoe closet is cracked open!"* she noticed, her mind racing with possibilities as to why. Harleen sighed and pushed it shut. *"There. Now it's not. How about you watch something?"* she suggested, turning on the TV. *"Oh, can I watch CSI?"* Alex asked. Harleen chuckled and nodded, putting it on. Alex chuckled at the dead body of the man who had died in the episode she was watching. "That asshole had it coming. They should've bled him out instead of shot him. He would've died slower. Suffered more."* Harleen was glad that Alex was feeling better, and she could tell by her complete lack of sympathy for human life. *"What am I going to do with you?"* Harleen asked, going into Alex's cabinet and grabbing a pack of Swiss Rolls. She threw it at Alex, who didn't even look as she caught it with her good hand. Harleen grabbed one for herself, then sat beside Alex, who was intensely staring at the TV screen while she unwrapped her Swiss roll. *"See, just like normal, although, I do have to go to work in an hour."* she told Alex. Alex relaxed, leaning back into the cushy couch. *"You have fun with that."* 


*Although Rosie was having trouble opening up to Natalie, Jonathan could already tell that she was warming up to her because she wasn't flighty. *"Well Rosie, next week, let's make more progress, okay? For now, just keep focusing on your art."* Jonathan told Rosie, referring to the many drawings she would make to distract herself from her Schizophrenia. Jonathan beckoned the orderliness inside to take Rosie away. *"Goodbye Rosie, Josephine."* He said. Natalie waved to 'both' of them, but Rosie stopped in front of her. *"Josephine thinks you are very pretty."* she said before leaving. *"Aww."* Natalie placed her hand over her heart. *"She's so sweet."* Jonathan adjusted his glasses. *"Who, Rosie or Josephine?"* Natalie lightly swatted his arm. *"Both."* Jonathan chuckled. *"So, how do you feel after that session?"*

The Psychiatrist-The Billionaire-The Crime Lord-The Insecure (A DC Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now