Part 64

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*His fingers were still cold as he ran his hands along her body, feeling her soft skin. His hand tangled in her hair causing her to let out a gasp. He continued to roughly kiss her until she winced,* "Oh, fuck! Sorry, my love, I.." *Alex just laughed and held onto his face,* "It's okay, Ozzy. At least I know I still get you so excited." *He smirked as she ran a hand through his wet hair. He kissed her, but Oz slowed down the kiss to not work himself up too much. That was easy for him around Alex. He pulled away and smiled at her.* "I feel complete when I'm with you, Alex." *She blushed and planted a kiss on his nose.* "I feel the same way about you, Oswald." *Normally he wasn't a fan of her using his name like that, but in this case, it showed her seriousness, and that made his heart swell.* "C'mon, let's get you to sleep. I know you're probably exhausted." *She yawned at the mention of the word 'Sleep'. He turned the shower off and dried them both off. He covered himself and picked her up, placing her on the counter. He grabbed her brush and brushed through her hair before drying it off more. She relaxed her eyes and let him soothe her as he did so. Once her hair was dried off a bit, he carried her to her bed. Lucifer watched from the nightstand with his head tilted as Oz climbed into the bed. He meowed as he hopped by Alex.* "This is my family, you know?" *Oz whispered into Alex's ear as he played with her hair. She didn't say anything, not that she needed to, as she drifted to sleep.*


*She hummed softly as he rinsed the conditioner out.* "I like hanging out with you." *She murmured as she kissed his cheek. He let out a chuckle and pulled her closer.* "I'm sure you do." *She rolled her eyes and splashed him with water.* "Oh, hush! I am expecting a raise, though." *She teased as he chuckled again.* "I was actually expecting payment from you, Miss Millionaire." *He retorted as she crossed her arms under the bubbles.* "Billionaire." *She corrected him. This time he splashed her with water. She giggled as he kissed her again. Slowly, they made their way out of the tub. Natalie grabbed his arm and made him stand beside her. She looked at the two of them in the big mirror that was mounted to the wall. Jonathan made a confused face at her,* "What are you doing?" *He watched as she stood, just observing the reflection.* "I just think we look good together." *She chimed in with a smile. She grabbed two towels and wrapped Jonathan up, giggling and pulling him to the bedroom. She wrapped herself back in her black, silky robe before turning to him.* "Let me try to find you some other clothes! I'm sure you don't wanna put those back on; suits seem so uncomfortable." *Jonathan wanted to stop her. The idea of wearing either her brother's or her butler's clothing made him feel weird, but she had already left the room. Natalie entered a spare bedroom and pulled out an old band shirt. She giggled to herself as she pictured his face when he saw The Cure on the shirt. She pulled out new boxers and black sweatpants and returned.*


*Alex slept very well beside Oz, she didn't have any nightmares. When she stirred in the morning, she rolled over, expecting to drape her arm over Oswald, but there was no one there. She blinked her eyes open as she suddenly smelled food. Her mouth began to water, and she swung her legs off the bed, sitting up and looking for her crutch. It was over by the door, so she limped over to it. Because of Oz's gentle care last night, her left limbs felt so much better, and she found it easier to move. Alex found Oz out in the kitchen, in the middle of making pancakes and scrambled eggs for her for breakfast. He smiled when he saw her lean on the counter, watching him. *"Good morning, my love. How are you feeling?"* *"Better, thanks to you."* She told him, and his face lit up. *"I'm so glad I'm helping you. Here."* He handed her a plate with some blueberry pancakes and cheesy scrambled eggs on it. *"Do you have any... business you have to do today?"* She asked as she took a bite of the fluffy pancakes- they were delicious. Oz shrugged. *"Not really, I just have to deal with your friend... Dr Crane."* Alex huffed. *"He's not my friend, but what did he do?"* *"Do you remember Sampson, the one who runs the narrows for me?"* Oz asked. Alex nodded. *"Yeah, you brought him to the zoo that one time so he could meet me. Why, what does he have to do with Crane?"* *"Well, according to my men, Jonathan attacked him with some sort of toxin that made him hallucinate. Once we managed to calm him down, he said told us that Jonathan was after your sister. And now he's at war with me."* Oz explained. But Alex had stopped listening. *"Oh my God, you said he made Sampson... hallucinate?"* She asked. Oz nodded, raising his eyebrow. *"Yeah, he was swatting at himself when we found him, complaining about fire ants all over the place, but none were there."* Alex gasped as the reason for her hallucinations and nightmares suddenly clicked. It was Jonathan Crane. It all made sense, they hadn't started since she began to see him, and he was obsessed with studying fear. *"Darling?"* Oz asked, approaching her. But she stumbled out of her seat, dropping her crutch as she frantically began to search her apartment.*


*Jonathan ended up falling asleep with Natalie in her bed, her head against his chest and his arms wrapped around her torso. However, when he awoke the next morning, she wasn't there. Frowning, he suddenly heard arguing downstairs. It sounded like Natalie and Bruce. He crept down the stairs and peeked into the entryway, where the argument was taking place. *"Nat, you can't just be sleeping with random men that you just met! I mean, it's a thousand times worse that you let him wear my clothes!"* Natalie groaned frustratedly. *"I wasn't going to force him to sleep in his suit! Besides, why are you so fucking upset? You sleep with random women all the time! How is my sleeping with Jonathan any different?"* *"You can get pregnant!"* Bruce blurted out angrily. *"AND YOU CAN GET PEOPLE PREGNANT! Isn't that worse? Bruce Wayne, the billionaire SLUT has 5 women begging for child support!"* Natalie screamed. Bruce stomped his foot. *"That is absolutely ridiculous, Natalie! Do you hear yourself right now?"* *"All I'm hearing is Bruce the Buzzkill trying to ruin my life!"* Jonathan chuckled at Natalie's insults, loving how much she was defending their relationship. Suddenly he heard someone clear their throat behind him. Jonathan turned to face Alfred who was staring at him with his eyebrow raised. *"Dr Crane. Would you like to come to the kitchen for a Bloody Mary?"* Jonathan knew that was the man's way of telling him to give the siblings their privacy, so he obliged, following Alfred to the kitchen for an early morning cocktail.*

The Psychiatrist-The Billionaire-The Crime Lord-The Insecure (A DC Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now