Part 43

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*He paced around his room, not doing much for the rest of that evening. He would probably go to his lounge later that night. On the other hand, Harleen checked on her apartment. All seemed to be fine. Oz got ready to go down and mingle with people in his lounge. He still had a legitimate business to run and people to entertain.*


*She looked at her phone curiously, surprised to see it was Alex.* "Hello?" *Alex said quietly on the other line, worried, like she was calling for help.* "Hey, I completely understand if, um, if this is too forward... or if you just erm, don't want to, but, do you, uh... Wanna g-go out tonight?" *Natalie gasped.* "Are you kidding?" *Alex immediately looked worried; afraid she might have offended her,* "U-Uh, did I-" "How did you KNOW I got dressed up! I would love to. I'll be right on my way!" *She hung up and ran downstairs,* "Alfred! Alfred! Can I borrow the car?" *After the drive over, she ended up at the girl's apartment door, knocking* "Hello!" *Natalie greeted Alex and picked up Lucifer, giving his head a smooch before setting him back down swiftly.* "Hey.." *Alex smiled but it felt awkward. Natalie could shake it off, and hopefully get a good friend.* "So, where do you wanna go? I'm game for anything!" *she gave a warm smile, tucking her hair behind her ear. She listened as Alex spoke, but her eyes lingered on the spot where Jonathan was so close and protective of her last time she was in the apartment.*


*Alex threw on a long, long-sleeved green dress to wear out and cover her stitches. It had a slit up the skirt on her right leg, not her left, luckily. And even though it was a struggle to walk in them, Alex put on some heels. When Natalie arrived, she asked Alex where she wanted to go. "Um, I could go for some steak, I guess."* Alex answered shyly, not sure what to do. She never went out with anyone other than Harleen and of course, Oswald when they were dating. *"Sounds good."* Natalie nodded. Alex followed Natalie to her car, making sure to take one of her crutches to use. Once they were sat in the restaurant, Natalie asked Alex how she was healing and if Alfred needed to check her out. Alex shook her head. *"I'm fine, but that's not what I want to talk about. I-Its my... conflicting feelings about Oz... I can't talk to Harls about them because she's biased."* *"Oh! Well, I am a psychiatrist, so hopefully I can help."* Natalie said. *"It's just, I can tell he's really trying! Hell, he sent me a basket that must've had at least a million dollars in it, if not more!"* *Woah,"* Natalie gasped, listening intently. *"But then... he makes me do insane shit like this."* Alex rolled up her sleeve and pulled up her skirt so Natalie could fully see her scars. *"Oh my God. Why did you feel the need to do that to yourself?"* Natalie asked. Alex was genuinely surprised that Natalie cared, she'd never met many people who cared about anything she had to say. *"I've been having nightmares and hallucinations about this version of Oswald that keeps me as a pet. He abuses me and won't let me get even six feet away from him."* *"And that scares you?"* Natalie inquired, leaning forward. Alex nodded, shivering a bit. *"I don't want to feel like I'm stuck with him losing my free will... well, other than Harleen, it's the only thing I have left."* *"Is that the only reason you won't get back with Oswald?"* Natalie questioned. Alex swallowed. *"I don't want him to hurt me like he did the last time. If he does... I don't think I could take it."* Alex whispered. *"I keep thinking back to Dave... geez, his funeral is tomorrow. How many more funerals am I going to have to go to if I refuse to go back to him? How many will I have to go to if I do return?"*


*Jonathan spent the rest of the afternoon with Sandra, cleaning his lab. When everything was spick and span, Jonathan made some soup for him and Sandra. She stared at him as they silently ate at the table (a rare occurrence, she was normally banished to the closet), and she could tell something was on his mind. She tapped his shoulder and tilted her head questioningly. *"What I'm thinking is none of your business."* But Sandra only tilted her head the other way. A small smirk crept onto her face as she drew the outline of a woman's body in the air with her fingers. *"Jesus, you women and knowing when there's girl trouble."* Jonathan huffed. Sandra shrugged and giggled silently. *"Yes, I am thinking about someone. It is my new... colleague. I feel something for her.* Sandra pointed at Jonathan and made a heart with her hands. *"Sandra, if you don't stop prying I'm experimenting on you twice as much tomorrow."* Sandra widened her eyes and shook her head, going back to her soup. But after a few moments, her curiosity got the better of her. Natalie tapped his shoulder again and circled her face. *"Now you want to know what she looks like? Well... she's got this fluffy Raven hair that's so soft... and these beautiful eyes that are calming just to look into. And then her lips, her pretty smile... God, I love her smile. Plus her body is to die for."* Sandra bounced up and down in her seat. She made a circle in one hand and then trusted the index finger of her other hand through it a few times. Jonathan nearly spit out his soup. *"Dammit Sandra, no we have not fucked! I've only just met her! That is NOT an appropriate question to ask someone!"* Sandra silently laughed so hard that she fell out of her seat and rolled around on the floor. *"You know what? Go back to your closet. Your dessert can be those protein bars."* Sandra stood and obliged, laughing the whole way back to her closet. Jonathan grumbled some profanities at the girl, but his mind couldn't help but form fantasies about Natalie now. *"Great, now that's all I'm going to be thinking about."* He sneered. Although... it wasn't the worst thing to have stuck in his head.*

The Psychiatrist-The Billionaire-The Crime Lord-The Insecure (A DC Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now